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Delegated Decisions

Decisions taken by officers

Under The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, the Council is required to publish the notice of the actions taken by officers where they have exercised authority delegated to them by the Council's Constitution or a Committee of the Council, where the decision is to:

  • Grant a permission or licence
  • Affect the rights of an individual; or
  • Award a contact or incur expenditure that materially affects that relevant Government Bodies financial position.

The regulations do not require the publication of reports on all decisions. The related guidance, Open and Accountable Local Govenment, provides the following examples of decisions that should be published as follows:

  • Decisions to make Tree Preservation Orders
  • Building control decisions and notices
  • Decisions to give listed buildings consents.

The record of the decision must detail:

  • The decision taken and date
  • The reasons for the decision
  • Any alternative options considered and rejected
  • Any background documents.

The decision record would be kept for inspection and published here as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of the decision.

Decisions made

Establish an Independent Remuneration Panel 8 March 2019.

Amendment to Constitution - Changes to Deadline for Questions 17 September 2019.

Bingham Leisure Centre Fire Alarm 13 August 2019.

Suspend Council Meetings for Four Months 16 March 2020.

Health Protection Regulations 21 March 2020.

Temporary Arrangements for Planning Applications 31 March 2020.

Virtual Meetings 6 May 2020.

Truck Cartel 28 May 2020.

Variation to Leisure Contract with Parkwood Leisure 21 July 2020.

Covid Health Regulations 24 September 2020.

Enforced sale of 50 Rutland Road 23 November 2020.

Discretionary Grants Policy 30 November 2020.

Cease Citizens Advice Bureau Outreach Service at Fountain Court 15 December 2020.

Purchase an Electric Cremator 3 February 2021.

Revision to Executive Managers' Areas of Responsibility 8 March 2021.

Amendment to Constitution 12 March 2021.

Membership of the Civic Hospitality Panel 15 March 2021.

Remote Meetings 7 May 2021.

E.ON - contract to deliver energy efficiency works to owner occupier properties 20 May 2021.

Bingham Petition Member Working Group 30 June 2021.

Allegations of Breaches of the Code of Conduction for Members of Bingham Town Council by Councillors Francis Purdue-Horan and John Stockwood 21 July 2021.

Amendment to Constitution 7 October 2021.

To Update Appointments of Committees and Member Groups 12 October 2021.

To allocate monies from budget efficiencies to support response to Covid-19 13 December 2021.

To amend the contract Standing Orders to reflect the procurement policy note December 2021 and amend the value of contracts to be advertised to £20,000 from £25,000 as the value must now include VAT 1 February 2022.

To amend the start time of planning committee to permanently start at 2.30pm 9 February 2022.

To amend sealing provisions 16 9(d) to reflect the change in job title of the Principal Solicitor to the Legal Services Manger 10 February 2022.

Amend Finance Regulations Section 8 - 14 September 2022.

Private Rented Sector Landlord Liaison Officer - funding - 13 March 2023.

The cessation of the Council’s out of hours standby service for the collection and kennelling of stray dogs - 18 February 2025

To amend the Council’s constitution in response to changes in compliance with legislation and to make other minor amendments - 24 February 2025.