To allocate monies from budget efficiencies to support response to Covid-19
Record of Decision Taken by Katherine Marriott on 15 December 2021
Authority for decision
Authority of the RBC constitution Part 3 Scheme of delegation page 25:
Delegated authority of Chief Executive:
- in consultation with the Leader and the appropriate Cabinet member with responsibility for the service area concerned, to authorise the taking or carrying out of action, notwithstanding anything in the Council's Standing Orders or Financial Regulations, where he/she considers that circumstances exist that make it expedient of necessary for action to be taken prior to the time when such action could be approved through normal council procedures. A report on such action, and the circumstances justifying the exercise of the delegated powers, shall be made to the next meeting of the Cabinet or the Council as appropriate.
To approve the use of a further £110.000 to be met from budget efficiencies to supplement the budget available of £138,755 to support both the hospitality and hair beauty sectors to increase support following the government’s announcement to move to Plan B restrictions.
Reasons for decision
To support local business.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Considered as per the attached note in terms of business sectors excluded not impacted as much by Covid variant; also with the objectives of speed of payment, to avoid fraud, with finite resources.
Conflicts of interest and any dispensation
None identified.
Monitoring Information
Key decision?
Confidential/ Exempt (if yes, please state paragraph)?
Do General Exception or Special Urgency Rules apply to this decision?
Consultation has taken place with the Section 151 & Monitoring Officer?
The Leader, Deputy Leader or relevant Portfolio Member have been consulted?
Katherine Marriott
Further Business Support Proposal - 15 December 2021
1. We currently have £138,755 in Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) available. You would have seen my email earlier in the week proposing a scheme of support and an application process. Given the worsening situation with Omicron and the likely impact on the hospitality and hair and beauty sectors at this important time of year it is proposed that these sectors receive further support.
2. Below gives an estimate based on rateable properties using proposed awards linked to rateable value. This will use all of the remaining ARG and require additional budget. It is proposed that there is a further use of in-year budget efficiencies amounting to £110k to support both the hospitality and beauty sectors.
RV | Hospitality |
Award | Total (RV band) | Hair / Beauty | Award | Total (RV band) |
Under £5k | 11 | £500 | £5,500 | 71 | £500 | £35,500 |
£5k to £10k | 32 | £750 | £24,000 | 45 | £750 | £33,750 |
£10k to £15k | 18 | £1,000 | £18,000 | 11 | £1,000 | £11,000 |
£15k to £30k | 26 | £1,500 | £39,000 | 6 | £1,500 | £9,000 |
£30k to £40k | 11 | £2,000 | £22,000 | 1 | £2,000 | £2,000 |
Over £40k | 13 | £3,000 | £39,000 | 2 | £3,000 | £6,000 |
Total | - | - | £147,500 | - | - | £97,250 |
Total spend : £244,750
Total funds: £138,755
RBC cost: £105,995
3. Other points to note in terms of the criteria of award:
- Only for businesses that occupy business rateable properties.
- Hospitality sector included (for example, in-premises food and drink consumption).
- Hair/beauty sector included (includes nail bars).
- In residence since since at least 01/04/2021 (to avoid necessity for a new application and pre-pay checks).
- Currently in in occupation/trading.
- Ease of payments and acting quickly with less risk of fraud - we have already paid the cases listed above so if the scheme is approved, payments could be in bank accounts before the end of the week.
4. Area excluded:
- Non-essential retail.
- meeting places (for example, village halls).
- Support industry (including taxis, many of whom seem to have diversified with food deliveries etc) - would require separate application and checks.
- Leisure, sports pavilions etc.
Delegated Decisions
- Discretionary Grants Policy - 30 November 2020
- 50 Rutland Road
- Covid Health Regulations
- Vary the Councils Leisure contract with Parkwood Leisure
- Truck Cartel
- Health Protection Regulations
- Suspend Council Meetings for Four Months
- Bingham Leisure Centre Fire Alarm
- Constitution - Changes to Deadline for Questions
- Establish an Independent Remuneration Panel
- Temporary Arrangements for Planning Applications
- Cease the Citizen’s Advice Bureau Outreach Service at Fountain Court
- Revision to Executive Managers - Areas of Responsibility
- Amendment to Constitution March 2021
- Membership of the Civic Hospitality Panel
- Remote meetings
- Purchase an Electric Cremator
- E.ON
- Bingham Petition Member Working Group
- Allegations of Breaches of Code of Conduct - Members of Bingham Town Council.
- Virtual Meetings
- Update appointments of Committees and Member Groups
- Amendment to Constitution
- To allocate monies from budget efficiencies to support response to Covid-19
- Amend the contract Standing Orders to reflect the procurement policy note December 2021
- Time of Planning Committee changed
- Amend sealing provisions 16 9(d)
- Amend Finance Regulations Section 8
- Private Rented Sector Landlord Liaison Officer
- Amend the Contract Standing Orders
- The cessation of the Council’s out of hours standby service for the collection and kennelling of stray dogs
- To amend the Council’s constitution in response to changes in compliance with legislation and to make other minor amendments