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Amendment to Constitution March 2021

Record of Decision Taken by Sanjit Sull on 12 March 2021

Authority for decision

Authority of the Monitoring Officer RBC constitution Part 3, 1.8 (i):

Functions of the Monitoring Officer

(i) Maintaining the Constitution

Maintain an up-to-date version of the Constitution and ensure that it is widely available for consultation by Councillors, officers and citizens.

And: Council delegation 04.03.21


To give effect to the delegation from Council: The Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Council’s Constitution to incorporate the roles of the Non-Executive Director and the Council’s Shareholder Representative.

Reasons for decision

To incorporate the roles of the Non-Executive Director and the Council’s Shareholder Representative to into the Council’s constitution.

Alternative options considered and rejected

None, maintenance of the constitution is legal requirement.

Conflicts of interest and any dispensation

None identified.


Monitoring Information

Key decision?


Confidential/ Exempt (if yes, please state paragraph)?


Do General Exception or Special Urgency Rules apply to this decision?


Consultation has taken place with the Section 151 & Monitoring Officer?


The Leader, Deputy Leader or relevant Portfolio Member have been consulted?




Sanjit Sull