Members' Allowances
Current member allowance rates (2024/25)
- Basic - £6,567
- Leader - £18,417
- Deputy Leader - £10,896
- Cabinet Members - £7,179
- Leader of Principle opposition - £5,928
- Leader of other political groups (5 or more members) - £2,985
- Chair of Corporate Overview Group, Communities Scrutiny Group, Governance Scrutiny Group and Growth and Development Scrutiny Group - £4,149
- Vice chair of scrutiny groups above - £1,383
- Chair of Planning Committee - £6,105
- Vice chair of Planning Committee - £3,054
- Chair of Licensing Committee - £1,518
- Chair of Standards Committee - £1,518
- Mayor - £10,683
- Deputy Mayor - £3,399
- Independent and Parish Council Members of Standards Committee - £360
Information about allowances for councillors (Members).
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2023/24
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2022/23
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2021/22
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2020/21
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2019/20
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2018/19
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2017/18
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2016/17
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2015/16
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2014/15
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2013/14
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2012/13
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2011/12
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2010/11
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2009/10
- Allowances paid to Councillors 2008/09
Council and Democracy
- Councillors
- Meetings and Agendas
- Calendar of Meetings
- Forward Plans
- Decisions
- Council's Constitution
- Speaking at Council Meetings
- Community Support Scheme Grant
- Mayor
- Members' Allowances
- Parish Councils
- County Councillors
- Members of Parliament (MP)
- Councillor Privacy Notices
- Local Government Reorganisation