Bingham Town Council leaflet
Bingham Town Council
Statement of Activity for 2025/2026
Bingham Town Council has set its expenditure for the year at £467,655 along with a projected income of £30,623. The Town Council will also draw upon its reserves to fund its other activities and projects, as well as seeking grants from other organisations.
To arrive at a balanced budget, the precept demand to Rushcliffe Borough Council has been set at £437,032, this equates to an increase of £3.78 to £103.59 (3.8%) for a Band D property.
The overall Council Tax charge will also include the budgets of Nottinghamshire County Council, the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, the Fire & Rescue Authority and Rushcliffe Borough Council, which have also changed from last year and will be confirmed on the annual Council Tax bill.
Why the money is needed:
The Town Council either owns or has a maintenance responsibility for the following amenities:
- Sports Fields at Wynhill and Butt Field
- Town Pavilion and Butt Field Sports Pavilion
- Five play areas with green spaces
- Allotments at Hill Drive
- St. Mary’s Churchyard and the Town Cemetery
- Linear Park Nature Reserve
- An extensive arboreal portfolio
- The Old Court House
- Warners Paddock
The Town Council also provides support to local community organisations and promotes Bingham’s sense of place through:
- Its Grant Aid scheme
- Organising and funding the summer and winter floral display in the Town Centre
- Organising and/or funding Annual events like the Summer Fair and Christmas Market
- Organising the Christmas lighting display in the Town Centre
- Supporting a programme of events delivered by Bingham Community Events
- Taking care of the many green spaces and assets owned within the Town
In addition to its day-to-day activities, the Town Council is continuing their work to progress a range of internal and external projects such as:
- Progressing long-term parking provision at the Old Allotment site
- Investing in improvements and refurbishment of the Old Court House
- Redevelopment of the Wynhill site to support improved and increased community facilities
- The potential expansion of land to meet the increased sports demand at Butt Field Sports Ground
- Reviewing Bingham Cemetery and managing the safety of the memorials
- Security of the Linear Park and open spaces
- Linear Park stepped access and bridge repairs
- The refurbishment of the Cogley Lane play area
- Upgrading and replacement of the Councils Grounds Maintenance Equipment
- St Mary's Church wall repairs
The Town Council is not in a position to self-fund all of the above projects and and wlll look to support additional projects that are unplanned but have benefits to the Town’s residents. It continues to look to grant funding and will seek community support through community engagement activities to apply to the Public Loans Work Board (PWLB) for a loan or a series of loans if required.
The Town Council currently employ: a full-time Town Clerk, a part-time Deputy Clerk, two part time administrative staff, two full-time members of grounds staff. A vacancy exists in the office team and a contract cleaner is employed for the Old Court House.
Town Council Budget 2025/26
This is how the Town Council will allocate funds raised through the Council Tax. The budget for the previous two years is shown for comparative purposes.
Budget Headings |
2023/24 |
2024/25 |
2025/26 |
Allotments | 2,110 | 1,910 | 1,910 |
Cemetery | 13,787 | 13,900 | 13,900 |
Environment | 3,300 | 7,100 | 6,500 |
Finance | 33,125 | 31,250 | 33,450 |
Old Court House | 34,278 | 29,190 | 35,608 |
Professional Fees | 4,500 | 4,500 | 4,170 |
Community and Events | 30,750 | 35,895 | 33,395 |
Recreation | 16,060 | 18,112 | 22,122 |
Recreation Equipment | 18,925 | 19,800 | 19,800 |
Reserves | 17,000 | 50,000 | 75,000 |
Salaries and On Costs | 215,700 | 217,800 | 221,800 |
Totals | 389,535 | 429,457 | 467,655 |
Less income | 23,511 | 25,928 | 30,623 |
Precept Demand | 366,024 | 403,529 | 437,032 |
Tax Base | 3849.1 | 4042.8 | 4218,.20 |
Band D property | £95.09 | £99.81 | £103.59 |
The Town Council’s income sources are modest, and these are expected to be limited to:
- Burial and memorial fees
- Tenant and room rental at the Old Court House
- Rent from sports clubs for lease of pitches and pavilions
- Allotment rents
- Wayleaves
- Interest on reserves