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Cotgrave Town Council leaflet

Cotgrave Town Council Budget Summary 2025/26

Budget Summary 2025/26

Cotgrave Budget Summary 2025-26




Financial and General Purposes 140,790 122,785
Environment 121,600 103,402
Allotments -2,100 -2,200
Sports Pavilion 1,100 1,600
Grants 14,100 12,400
Community Events 7,350 15,825
Cotgrave Futures 1,000 1,000
Contingency 0 0
Lightsource Grant -7,800 -6,900
Total 276,040 247,912


Funding of 2025/2026 Budget

(Comparable 2024/2025 figures in brackets)

Precept on Local Council Taxpayers: £276,040 / (£247,912)

Tax Base: 2433.8 / (2433.8)


Precept for Band D Property £113.42 (£101.86) or £2.18 (£1.96) per week is a percentage change 11.3% increase (1%) on 2024/25.


Funding Budget Summary 2023/2024


Tax Base

Leisure Centre Contribution

2017-2018 2191.9 19,482
2018-2019 2303.4 19,871
2019-2020 2344.7 20,268
2020-2021 2418.5 20,572
2021-2022 2431.9 20,800
2022-2023 2433.8 0
2023-2024 2433.8 0
2024-2025 2433.8 0
2025-2026 2433.8 0


The contribution to the Leisure Centre was to increase in line with an estimated Retail Price Index (RPI) figure from 1 April 2012 until it is reviewed with Rushcliffe Borough Council. The leisure contribution ceased from October 2021, due to Cotgrave Town Council relocating its office and garage facilities.

Council Administration Budget - Budget Summary 2025-2026

Council Administration Budget Summary 2025/2026

Finance and General Purposes



Net Cost

Wages 106,740 0 106,740
Establishment Costs  37,300  -3,250  34,050
Precept Received  -  -276,040  -276,040
Lightsource Community Fund*  0  -7,800 -7,800 
Community Events  8,000  -650  7,350
Contingency  0  0  0
Finance and General Purposes  152,040  -287,740  -135,700

 *Light Source funding has been awarded to Cotgrave TC from May 2016 for a period of 20 years.

Cotgrave Town Council are using £4,000 from the bank reserves for the following projects

  1. £2,000 for an update of the council website
  2. £1,000 for any computer hardware/software replacement.
  3. £1,000 for any extra community events required.

Council Administration Budget - Budget Detail 2025-2026

Council Administration Budget Detail 2024/2025

Finance and General Purposes



Net Cost

Wages Expenditure Income Net Cost
Council Admin Salaries  101,500 - -
F&GP Members Allowances  0 - -
Wages Contingency  2,740 - -
Financial Work   2,500 - -
Total – Wages 106,740 0 106,740
Establishment Costs Expenditure Income Net Cost
DBS (CRB) Disclosures  0 -  -
Internal Audit  450  -  -
External Audit  1,000  -  -
Legal & Professional Fees  1,000  -  -
Subscription  2,000  -  -
Information Commissioner  50  -  -
Insurance 10,000  -  -
Training & Mentoring  500  -  -
Conferences  500  -  -
Travel  50 -  -
Newsletter  5,250  -  -
Stationery  250  -  -
Postage  25 -  -
Photocopying 150  -  -
Telephones  900  -  -
Cotgrave Town Council Website  0  -  -
Health & Safety   0  -  -
Council Hospitality   50  -  -
Equipment Servicing   0  -  -
Office Repairs/Maintenance   300  -  -
Computer Hardware/Software   0  -  -
Capital/New equipment  0 - -
Studio 3 Rental  0  -  -
Election Fund  1,000  -  -
Other Expenditure  200  -  -
Bank Charges 125 -  -
Rates  3,500  -  -
Meeting Room Hire   0  -  -
Suite F Rent/Service Charge  8,000  -  -
Suite F Electricity  2,000  -  -
Interest received - -3,000 -
Advertising income - -250 -
CIL income - 0 -
Total – Establishment Costs  37,300
-3,250 34,040
Precept Received Expenditure Income Net Cost
Precept - -276,040 -
Total - Precept Received  0 -276,040 -276,040
Lightsource Community Fund Expenditure  Income  Net Cost 
Lightsource Project - -7,800 -
Total – Community Events  - -7,800 7,800
Community Events Expenditure  Income  Net Cost 
Christmas Event 5,000 -200 -
Safari  0  -100  -
Cotgrave Festival  3,000  0  -
Other Community Events 0 -350  -
Youth 0  -  -
Total - Community Events   8,000  -650 7,350
Contingency Expenditure Income  Net Cost
Replacements & Refurbishments  0 -  -
Total - Contingency 0 0 0


Recreation and Parks Committee Budget Summary 2025/26

Recreation and Parks Committee Budget Summary 2025-26

Recreation and Parks



Net Cost

Environment 133,450 -11,850 121,600
Allotments  1,500  -3,600  -2,100
Sports Pavilion 3,900  -2,800  1,100
Recreation and Parks  138,850  -18,250 102,600


Recreation and Parks Committee Budget Detail 2025/26

Recreation and Parks Committee Budget Detail 2025-26

Recreation and Parks



Net Cost

Environment Expenditure Income Net Cost
Salaries 83,000 - -
Insurance (vehicle)   1,000  -  -
Training & Mentoring  1,200  -  -
Health & Safety   500  -  -
Capital/New Equipment  0  -  -
Safety Clothing   200  -  -
Plant Baskets   3,750  -  -
Dog Bin & Rubbish Cleaning   1,500  -  -
Hedge Cutting   5,000  -  -
Vehicle Maintenance   1,000  -  -
Fuel   1,500  -  -
CCTV Maintenance  0  -  -
Grounds Maintenance   11,500  -  -
Repairs/ Maintenance   1,050  -  -
Gritting Salt  100  -  -
Bark Top Up 500  -  -
Leases – Parks & Allotments   1,400  -  -
Play Equipment Maintenance   3,000  -  -
Playground Inspections   1,750  -  -
Tools & Consumables   1,500  -  -
MUGA Costs  400  -  -
Community Warden   0  -  -
Other Expenditure   500  -  -
Shopping Centre Clearance    -8,250  -
Annual Fair & Circus     -600  -
Grass Cutting     -3,000  -
Unit 28 Rent 8,000 -  -
Unit 28 Rates  3,750  -  -
Unit 28 Water 750  -  -
Unit 28 Electricity 400  -  -
Mileage allowance  200  -  -
Total – Environment 133,450 -11,850 121,600
Allotments Expenditure  Income   Net Cost 
Insurance 0 - -
Water  1,000  -  -
Allotment Maintenance 500  -  -
Allotment Rental Income  -  -3,600  -
Total – Allotments  1,500  -3,600 -2,100
Sports Pavilion Expenditure  Income   Net Cost 
Pavilion Lease 1,200 - -
Pavilion Repairs & Maintenance  1,000  -  -
Electricity  1,000  -  -
Septic Tank Emptying   200  -  -
Annual Testing   500  -  -
Colts Income - Arthur Ridley  -  -2,000  -
Colts Income - Maddison Field - -800 -
Total – Sports Pavilion 3,900 -2,800 1,100


Cotgrave Futures - Budget Summary 2025-2026

Cotgrave Futures - Budget Summary 2025-26

Cotgrave Futures



Net Cost

Building Maintenance 1,000 - -
Cotgrave Futures CCTV  0  -  -
Total – Cotgrave Futures
 1,000  0  1,000


Grants - Budget Summary 2025-2026

Grants Budget Summary 2025-26




Net Cost

British Legion 400 - -
Community Fireworks Display  3,000  -  -
Centre Contribution  0  -  -
Community Grants 5,000 - -
Pensioners Event – S137 5,500 - -
Total – Grants 14,100  0  14,100


Summary of Financial Transactions for Cotgrave Town Council 2025-2026

The summary will be divided up into two sections as follows:

Section 1 Explanatory details on:

  1. Sources of income
  2. Areas of expenditure

Section 2 Financial detail on:

  1. Income
  2. Expenditure
  3. Reserves


  • a) Sources of income
    • Precept on Council tax as set by Cotgrave Town Council
    • Other Services
      1. Shopping centre clearance
      2. Grass cutting
      3. Pitch and sportsground rental
      4. Allotments
      5. Annual fair
      6. Community projects
      7. Interest
  • b) Areas of expenditure
    • Administration staff 1 full time and 1 part time
    • Maintenance staff 2 part time
    • Park Keeper staff 3 part time
    • Litter Picker staff 1 part time
    • Volunteer Litter Picker
    • Hanging Baskets
    • Bins, benches, and dog bins
    • Vehicle Maintenance
    • Arthur Ridley Sportsground pavilion
    • Grass cutting, boarders and shrubs, etc.
    • Play equipment at the Green, Grassmere, Broadmeer, Ring Leas
    • Open spaces at the Green, Grassmere, Ring Leas, Maddison Park
    • Grants
    • Pitches at Ridley Sportsground (Home of the Cotgrave FC), Maddison Park, Multi Use Games facility
    • Allotments at Burhill, Forest Close and Hollygate
    • Capital Projects
    • Elections 
    • Clearance and general maintenance
    • Newsletter
    • Community projects and events
    • Councillor allowances (* see note)
    • Leisure Centre Revenue Subsidy (# see note)

Note #: In 1997 in order to secure a swimming pool for Cotgrave, Cotgrave Town Council signed a legal agreement with Rushcliffe Borough Council.  This agreement is in the form of a lease, whereby Cotgrave Town Council leases its office and workshop within the Cotgrave Leisure Centre for a period of 99 years.  As part of this lease Cotgrave Town Council agreed to pay a revenue subsidy each year towards the running of the leisure centre, subject to inflation.  For 2021/2022 this subsidy amounts to £20,800.

Leisure Centre Contribution ceased in October 2021, due to relocation of council office and garage.

Note *: Elected only Councillors are entitled to claim an allowance of £250 per annum, although some councillors may choose to opt out.  The Chair will be paid extra in recognition of his / her extra responsibilities and workload – i.e., £250 plus an additional honorarium (£1000) in recognition of the Chair’s greater input.

Councillors agreed not to call for councillors' allowance in 2025/26 due to the financial impact at the current time.

Section 2

a) Income

  • Precept £276,040
  • Other Sources £29,950

Total £305,990

b) Expenditure

  • Recreational and Parks £138,850
  • Finance and General Purposes £152,040
  • Grants £14,100
  • Leisure Centre Revenue Subsidy £0
  • Cotgrave Futures £1,000

Total £305,990

c) Reserves at 31 March 2024

  • General Reserve - £70,072
  • Programmed Projects - £23,228
  • Election Reserves - £5,000
  • Play Equipment Contingency - £0
  • Play Equipment Replacement - £0
  • Community Reserve - £32,299
  • Parish Paths - £874
  • Town Plan - £3,809
  • Youth Council - £2,000
  • New Premises - £120,000
  • Play Space - £3,166
  • CCTV Digital Recorder - £7,000
  • Light source Funding - £9,629
  • Shared Access £0
  • Allotment Maintenance - £7,214
  • Ear Marked CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) £0

Total £284,291

More details of Cotgrave Town Council’s financial accounts can be obtained by using one of the following sources:

  • Local Notice Boards
  • Internet on or email
  • By telephone on 0115 989 3876/ 07877 258 150
  • By calling in at Cotgrave Town Council Office