Keyworth Parish Council leaflet
Keyworth Parish Council
Village Hall, Elm Avenue, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5AN
Telephone: 0115 937 2185
Statement of Proposed Financial Activities 2025/26
A Parish Council is required to provide council taxpayers with details of its spending plans for the coming financial year when its precept requirement reaches a certain level.
How the money will be spent
Keyworth Parish Council provides, manages and maintains or subsidises a number of facilities and services in the village, including:
- Village Hall Complex (Village Hall, Centenary Lounge, Feignies Room)
- Parish Council Office
- Rectory Field/Activity Park including Peace Garden
- Elm Avenue Sports Facilities (in conjunction with relevant clubs)
- Platt Lane Sports Facilities (managed by Keyworth Sports Association)
- Church Clock
- Play Area (Nottingham Road)
- Skatepark (Platt Lane)
- Wysall Lane Burial Ground
- Keyworth Meadow Nature Reserve
- Parish Council Website
- Keyworth Diary
- Keyworth Guide Online
- Festive Lights/Decorations
- Floral Displays/Hanging Baskets
In order to manage these undertakings, the Council employs six part-time staff including Clerk to the Council, Responsible Finance Officer, Clerical Officer, Facilities Manager, Handyman and Cleaner. The Council makes grants and donations to several local organisations, provides seats, litter and waste bins, and helps finance distribution of the Keyworth Diary.
In addition to its normal activities and routine expenditure, the Council also needs to raise finance for the long-term development and enhancement of the above-mentioned facilities.
Where the money comes from:
- Fees for hire of premises
- Burial, memorial fees
- Grants and donations
- Bank interest
- Precept on council tax set by the Parish Council
For further details of the Parish Council’s plans and activities, please refer to its website, Facebook page and Twitter account and look out for items in the Keyworth News. Members of the public are also welcome to attend Council meetings: dates and times can be found on the website, or details can be obtained from the Council office (9.30 am to 1.00 pm on weekdays, except Tuesdays). The Chair’s report, published annually in April, also details the previous year’s expenditure.
Summary of Income and Expenditure
Summary of Income/Expenditure |
Budget 2024/25 |
Budget 2025/26 |
Payroll Costs | 117,050 | 123,155 |
Other Overheads | 70,208 | 77,920 |
Sports & Play Facilities | 32,510 | 32,510 |
Wysall Lane Burial Ground | 17,000 | 17,000 |
Amenities | 14,080 | 14,500 |
Publicity/Events | 6,380 | 3,500 |
Grants/Donations | 3,750 | 3,750 |
Loan Repayments | 4,843 | 4,842 |
Sundries | 1,620 | 1,510 |
Total Revenue Expenditure | 267,441 | 278,687 |
Hire Charges | 68,261 | 62,800 |
Burial Ground Fees | 12,000 | 10,000 |
Other Income | 4,609 | 2,360 |
Total Revenue Income | 84,870 | 75,160 |
Total Net Revenue Expenditure | 182,571 | 203,527 |
Capital/Additional Expenditure/Provisions | 29,600 | 24,062 |
Parish Council Precept (Budget Requirement) (A) | 218,971 | 227,590 |
Council Tax Base (calculated by Borough Council) (B) | 3,030.1 | 3,148.2 |
Parish Council Tax for Band D Property (A ÷ B) | 72.27 | 72.29 |
*Parish Council element of the council tax for the year, appearing as separate amount on council tax bills – approximately £1.39 per week; see below for further details.
Capital/Additional Expenditure/Provisions
The Parish Council already has funds earmarked (see below) to pay for much of its planned additional/capital expenditure; however, some expenditure of this nature is also provided for in the 2025/26 budget.
Parish Council Tax
As shown by the figures above, the Parish Council has increased its precept by £8,619 or 3.9%, whilst the Parish Council portion of the council tax in 2025/26 will remain the same due to an increase in the tax base.
The Parish Council is obliged to maintain funds in reserve for emergency and contingency purposes. The Council’s reserves as at 30th November 2024 totalled £353,185 which included earmarked reserves (amounts set aside to fund specific commitments or long-term development plans, for example, maintenance of the Nottingham Road Play area, Skatepark and Burial Ground) of £131,880.
The Council monitors the level of its reserves on an ongoing basis and will watch this carefully during this period of economic uncertainty and increasing costs.