Ruddington Parish Council leaflet
Ruddington Parish Council
Statement of Estimated Expenditure and Income 2025/2026
Parish Councils are required to provide Council Taxpayers with details of the spending plans for the coming financial year when the precepted amount reaches a certain level.
How the money will be spent
Ruddington Parish Council provides, manages and maintains a large number of services in the parish:
- Community Buildings
- The Village Hall
- St Peter’s Rooms
- Pavilion, Elms Park
- Jubilee Clubhouse
- Recreation Grounds & Sports Fields:
- Carter Recreation Ground / Elms Park*
- Jubilee Field
- Sellors’ Playing Field, Wilford Road*
- Vicarage Lane Playing Field*
- St Mary’s Play Area*
- Bowling Green
- Note *These include Children’s Play Equipment
- Open spaces
- Churchill Drive
- The Green
- Churchyards and Cemeteries
- Flawford Churchyard
- St Peter’s Churchyard
- Vicarage Lane Cemetery
- Amenities
- Allotment Gardens, Wilford Road
- Allotment Gardens, Clifton Road
- Church Street Car Park
- Administration
- Parish Council Offices
- Ruddington Parish Council website
- Parish Council Newsletter
To manage these undertakings the Parish Council employs 1 full time and 2 part-time administration staff, 1 full-time amenities staff and 4 part-time caretakers.
In addition to the above, the Council supports several village organisations, provides seats, litter bins and dog bins, funds the hiring of the Community Bus, and partly funds the Christmas Tree Scheme.
Where the money comes from
The main sources of income for the Parish Council are:
- Income from hire of rooms and facilities at St Peter’s Rooms, Village Hall, Pavilions
- Income from hire of football pitches, cricket pitch, bowling green
- Allotment rents
- Fees for burials (Vicarage Lane Cemetery), Interments (Garden of Rest), erection of memorials, memorial trees / plaques
- Rent from Rushcliffe Borough Council for siting of the recycling facility on the car park
- Sponsorship of Christmas Trees by local traders
- Interest on invested reserves
- Precept on Council Tax as set by Parish Council
Ruddington Parish Council
Summary of Estimated Expenditure and Income 2025/2026
General Fund |
Expenditure |
Transfer to Reserves |
Income |
Net Expenditure £ |
Allotments | 10,277 | 0 | 2,161 | 8,116 |
Village Hall | 33,903 | 0 | 23,776 | 10,127 |
St Peter's Rooms | 53,514 | 1,500 | 17,650 | 37,364 |
Playing Fields | 172,724 | 14,000 | 16,510 | 170,214 |
Jubilee Clubhouse | 39,048 | 1,500 | 10,476 | 30,072 |
Car Park | 1,300 | 500 | 960 | 840 |
Vicarage Lane Cemetery | 17,868 | 0 | 10,082 | 7,786 |
St Peter's Churchyard | 5,280 | 0 | 0 | 5,280 |
Amenities Projects | 7,300 | 5,000 | 0 | 12,300 |
Youth and Community Centre | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Environment and Policy | 134,148 | 2,100 | 24,921 | 111,327 |
Parish Council | 15,430 | 11,300 | 0 | 26,730 |
Total | 490,792 | 35,900 | 106,536 | 420,156 |
The estimated Net Expenditure will be met as follows:
- General Fund Opening Balance 1 April 2025 £72,780
- Parish Council Precept £420,156
- Total £492,936
- Less Closing Balance 31 March 2026 £72,780
- Net Expenditure £420,156
The budgeted Parish Council precept for a Band D property equates to a charge of £126.89 a year, which is equivalent to £2.44 per week. This is a 5.36% increase on the charge for 2024/25.
The Parish Council has Reserve Funds set aside for specific purposes and emergencies.
Estimate Reserves |
Estimated Balance 1/4/2025 |
Transfer from General Fund |
Expenditure |
Estimated Balance 31/3/2026 £ |
Amenities Committee | 123,286.50 | 22,500 | 26,000 | 119,787 |
Environment and Policy | 53,929 | 2,100 | 600 | 55,430 |
Parish Council | 228,017 | 11,300 | 0 | 239,317 |
Total | 405,223 | 35,900 | 26,600 | 414,534 |
In addition to the above, Rushcliffe Borough Council charge residents a Special Expense for the maintenance of Shaw Street Cemetery.