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Council Tax Charges - Enquiries

Council Tax Information

For queries concerning your charges please refer your enquiries to the relevant charging authority on the following telephone numbers:

  • Nottinghamshire County Council (Customer Voice) 0300 500 8080
  • Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner 0115 844 5998
  • Combined Fire Authority 0115 838 8100
  • Rushcliffe Borough Council (Customer Services) 0115 981 9911
  • Parish Charges - please contact individual Parish Clerk


The valuation of domestic property for Council Tax purposes is not carried out by Rushcliffe Borough Council. The value of your home has been assessed by the Valuation Office Agency, which is part of HM Revenue & Customs. Your home has been placed in one of eight valuation bands based on its estimated sale price on 1st April 1991. The fact that homes may be worth more today does not mean they have been put into the wrong band – the banding date was chosen in order to establish how much homes were worth relative to similar properties in the area and the bandings are not affected by any general movement in house prices. You can appeal if you think your house has been put in the wrong valuation band, but the rules are quite strict. No appeals will be allowed if they are solely on the grounds of the general movement in house prices.

Appeals may only be lodged if:

  • there has been a material increase or reduction in the dwelling’s value resulting from a physical change to the building or;
  • you start or stop using part of the building to carry out a business or the balance between domestic and commercial use changes or;
  • where you become the taxpayer in respect of that dwelling and less than six months have elapsed from that date.

Full details on how to appeal are available on the Challenge your Council Tax band page of the Valuation Office Agency website.

Council Tax Bandings

  • Band A Property worth up to £40,000
  • Band B over £40,000 and up to £52,000
  • Band C over £52,000 and up to £68,000
  • Band D over £68,000 and up to £88,000
  • Band E over £88,000 and up to £120,000
  • Band F over £120,000 and up to £160,000
  • Band G over £160,000 and up to £320,000
  • Band H over £320,000

Discounts Allowable

Council Tax is made up of two equal parts. One part relates to the property and the other to the people who live there. The full Council Tax bill assumes that there are two adults living in a dwelling, so if there is only one adult resident in the property you may qualify for a 25% discount.

Certain groups of people are not counted when looking at the number of adults resident in a dwelling for Council Tax purposes, provided they meet certain conditions. These include:

  • Full-time students, student nurses, apprentices and Youth Training trainees
  • People who are being looked after in care homes
  • People who are severely mentally impaired
  • People staying in certain hostels or night shelters
  • 18 and 19 year olds who are at, or have just left school
  • Care workers working for low pay, usually for Charities
  • People caring for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner, or child under 18
  • Members of visiting overseas forces and certain international institutions
  • Members of religious communities
  • People in prison (except those in prison for non-payment of Council Tax or a fine)
  • Diplomats and members of international organisations headquartered in the U.K.

If you fall into one of these categories, then please contact our Customer Service Centre on 0115 981 9911 to check if you are entitled to a discount.

Empty properties

The Council has discretionary powers to vary the level of discounts awarded and has used these powers as follows:

  • Properties that are unoccupied and unfurnished for less than 4 weeks are entitled to a 50% discount.
  • Properties that are unoccupied and unfurnished for more than 4 weeks are not entitled to a discount and council tax is charged at the full rate.
  • After one year, a 100% premium will be applied, rising to 200% after 5 years. For properties that have been empty for over 10 years, the premium is 300%.

Second Homes

A second home is a property that is not occupied by anyone as their main home and is furnished sufficiently to allow overnight accommodation. Council Tax is charged at the full rate on second homes. However, if the property is accommodation provided as a condition of your employment, you may qualify for a 50% discount. Please contact us for further advice about this.

From 1 April 2025 the Council has decided following changes to legislation to charge a premium of 100% on properties that have been second homes for over 12 months.

Exceptions to Council Tax Premiums

A dwelling is excluded from the premium if it is:

  • It is being actively marketed for sale or let (max 12 months from date property marketed)
  • It is uninhabitable – see below for further details (max 12 months, long-term empty premium only)
  • It is an annexe forming part of a single dwelling
  • It is caravan pitch or boat mooring (second home premium only)
  • It is holiday accommodation or where planning restriction prevents occupancy for at least 28 days continuously in a year (second home premium only)
  • It is up to 12 months following from date probate/letters of administration granted
  • It is a job-related dwelling (second home premium only)
  • You are residing elsewhere in armed forces accommodation

If you believe your property falls into one of the above categories, please contact us and provide supporting documentation.

What does uninhabitable mean?

A property IS uninhabitable based on the following criteria:

  • Roofs
    • Major repairs to roof structures
    • Rebuilding defective chimney stack(s)
  • External Walls
    • Rebuilding external walls, for example to extend the property
  • Foundations
    • Repair/renewal of foundations
    • Underpinning substandard foundations
  • Floors
    • Replacing defective solid floors
    • Replacing defective solid floor joists
  • Internal
    • Property totally gutted including removing most internal walls (not stud/partition walls)
    • Replacing defective ceiling joists
    • Rebuilding defective walls (not stud/partition walls)

A property IS NOT uninhabitable based on the following criteria:

  • Replacement/repairs of plumbing or heating
  • Replacement/repairs of bathroom and kitchen or any other fitting/fixtures
  • Rewiring
  • Timber or damp-proof treatments
  • Re-plastering
  • Drainage
  • Repairs or renewals of services
  • Maintenance, for example re-pointing or window/door replacement
  • Redecoration

Even if your property is classed as uninhabitable you will still be charged full council tax.

In limited circumstances, the Valuation Office Agency may delete a property’s Council Tax band. This happens when the property has been fully demolished, is truly derelict or undergoing major renovation. For further information please visit the Valuation Office Agency.

Council Tax is not payable on some dwellings

The Government has decided that Council Tax will not be payable on some properties (including those occupied only by students). Below are the main descriptions of exempt properties:

  • Properties owned by charities which have been empty for less than 6 months.
  • Properties left empty by someone going to prison.
  • Properties left empty by someone going to live in a hospital, care home or a nursing home.
  • Properties left empty after someone has died and probate or letters of administration have not been granted. The exemption lasts until probate is granted and for 6 months after this whilst unoccupied.
  • Empty properties which the law says cannot be occupied.
  • Empty properties waiting to be used by a Minister of Religion.
  • Properties left empty by someone who has moved to receive care, other than to a hospital, care home or nursing home. For example, a disabled person moving to live with a caring relative.
  • Properties left empty by someone who has moved to care for another person.
  • Empty properties owned and last used by a student (exemption lasts as long as the person who would normally pay the Council Tax is a full-time student).
  • Empty properties repossessed because of non-payment of a mortgage.
  • Student Halls of Residence.
  • Properties in which only full-time students live.
  • Properties used by the Armed Forces.
  • Properties for which a member of a visiting force is liable.
  • Properties for which a trustee of a bankrupt person is liable.
  • A caravan pitch or boat mooring that is not used.
  • Properties where only people under 18 live.
  • Empty properties which are part of a bigger building and cannot be let separately because of planning rules. For example, this could apply to empty granny flats.
  • Properties where only people who are severely mentally impaired live.
  • Properties in which a diplomat or member of an international organisation headquartered in the UK live (as defined in regulations).
  • Annexe/self-contained properties occupied by elderly or disabled relatives.

If you are receiving an exemption, you must tell the Council about any changes which may affect the exemption within 21 days of the change. More advice on exempt properties, including discretionary reductions, is available on our website.

Other discounts

There are the following discounts also available:

  • Occupied annexe discounts
  • Certain young people who have been in local authority care
  • Discretionary discounts following financial hardship

If you think any are applicable to you please contact us for further details.

If you are disabled

You may qualify for a one band reduction in your Council Tax banding if you, or someone who lives with you, is substantially and permanently disabled. Properties in Band A will qualify for a reduction equal to 1/9th of a Band D property charge. To qualify, the disabled person must be living in the dwelling for which the reduction is being sought and there must be:-

  • a room which is predominantly used by and required for meeting the needs of the disabled person; or
  • a second bathroom or kitchen adapted for the needs of the disabled person; or
  • a need to use a wheelchair indoors by the disabled person.

Help & Advice

If you need any help or advice regarding your Council Tax, then please visit the Council Tax webpages.

Please visit here for our contact details and opening times.

For information about paying your Council Tax, please see the back of your bill or visit the Pay Council Tax webpage.

Business Rates

For information regarding Business Rates, please visit the Business Rates webpages.


If you have a problem or complaint about any of the services provided by Rushcliffe Borough Council, please visit the complaints webpage.

Council Tax Recovery

If you have arrears, then please contact us to discuss this. View our recovery policy.

Fraud Prevention

To help prevent fraudulent claims for Council Tax discounts, Council Tax data will be shared with the Audit Commission and other organisations for comparison with their records.

Help us to help you

You are required to inform the Council, in writing, within 21 days, of any changes in your circumstances which may affect your entitlement to any discounts, exemptions and disabled reductions. Failure to do so may result in a penalty of £70 being imposed in the first instance and £280 for each subsequent failure.

Any notification should be addressed to Revenues Services, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7YG.

Alternatively, if you are unsure of the effect of a change, contact us to discuss what has changed.

What Do You Get For Your Money?

Rushcliffe Borough Council provides a wide range of services for the Rushcliffe community costing a household living in a band D property £3.11 per week. In fact due to the types of property within Rushcliffe more than 55% of households will pay less.

The Borough Council administers the following services.

Protecting the environment and the community through:

  • Environmental Initiatives
  • Pollution Control including air quality, contaminated land and noise
  • Environmental crime including fly tipping and litter
  • Health and safety
  • Food safety / Hygiene
  • Pest Control & Dog Warden
  • Control of Development
  • Consideration of Planning Applications
  • Emergency Planning
  • Collection and recycling of refuse
  • Street cleaning
  • Licensing including taxis, alcohol and gambling
  • Crime prevention and Community Safety including anti-social behaviour
  • Community areas and leisure facilities including:
    • Recreation Facilities - which consist of 5 Leisure Centres, Edwalton Municipal Golf Course, Rushcliffe Country Park and maintenance of open spaces
  • Promoting special events
  • Electoral Registration and Elections
  • Responsibility for housing
  • Improving housing
  • Homelessness
  • Collection of income - Council Tax, Business Rates and invoices for chargeable services
  • Administration of Housing Benefits and Council Tax Support
  • Crematorium

Rushcliffe Borough Council Expenditure & Income 2025-26

Rushcliffe Borough Council Expenditure & Income 2025-26


Net Expenditure £'000




Gross Expenditure £'000


Gross Income £'000


Net Expenditure £'000


Per Head £

2,205 Chief Executive 1,642 (29) 1,613 13.54
4,952 Finance and Corporate Services 18,664 (13,771) 4,892 41.08
(199) Growth and Economic Development 5,374 (4,904) 469 3.94
7,824 Neighbourhoods 14,435 (6,498) 7,937 66.64
14,782 Net Service Expenditure 40,114 (25,203) 14,912 125.20
(1,895) Depreciation (1,895) 0 91,895) (15.91)
1,178 Minimum Revenue Provision 1,174 0 1,174 9.86
2,201 Transfer to / (from) reserves 5,698 0 5,698 47.84
16,267 Cost of services for council tax purposes 45,091 (25,203) 19,889 166.99
2,703 Parish Councils 2,900 0 2,900 -
18,969 Total 47,991 (25,203) 22,789 -

This spend is paid for by Council Tax and other income:

Paid for by Council Tax and other income
2024-25 Type 2025-26
(1,509) New Homes Bonus (1,478)
(5,463) Localised Business Rates (6,676)
(332) Collection Fund surplus / pool surplus (1,235)
(616) Other Grant Income (1,761)
11,049 Amount we need from Council Tax 11,639

This is broken down into:

Spend broken down
2024-25 Area 2025-26
(7,419) Rushcliffe Borough Council (7,728)
(928) Special Expense (1,012)
(2,703) Parish Councils (2,900)
(11,049) - (11,639)

Representative number of band D properties (Council Tax Base )

Representative number of band D properties (Council Tax Base )
2024-25 Representative number of band D properties (Council Tax Base ) 2025-26
46989.80 Representative number of band D properties (Council Tax Base ) 47769.8
£157.88 Rushcliffe Borough Council Band D Council Tax Charge £161.77
£235.14 Band D Council Tax Charge including Special Expenses and Parish Precepts £243.66


The £19.9m cost of services excluding  parish Precepts is funded by.

Where the Money Comes From

  • Council Tax Income - 44.0% 
  • Localised Business Rates - 39.7%
  • Other Grant Income - 16.3%

The amount to be raised from the Council Tax represents a band “D” rate of £161.77 for Borough Council Services and an average Band “D” tax rate of £243.66 this is from including Parish Precepts and Special Expenses

Special Expenses

In West Bridgford there is no Parish Council. Local recreation and community facilities that are provided by Parish Councils elsewhere are provided by Rushcliffe Borough Council at a cost of £991,100 A small amount - £10,400 – is spent by Rushcliffe in the Parishes of Ruddington and £10,100 in Keyworth. Special charges are made to cover these expenses. The special charge on a band D property in West Bridgford is £64.84, in Keyworth it is £3.21 and in Ruddington it is £3.14 with other amounts payable in different bands. 

Capital Investment

The Council has approved a Capital Programme of £8.344m for 2025/26.  Significant schemes include: £2.565m enhancements to Leisure Centres and Community Facilities; £1.04m available to support Disabled Facilities Grants. The Council continues to invest in its Vehicle Fleet and IT hardware and Software to keep pace with changing technologies.

Parish Expenditure

The table below shows the amount each Parish Council requires from its own local residents to pay for services in the Parish. The precept shown is for both 2025/26 and the preceding year, together with the additional council tax rate that applies to a band D property in the area.


Parish Expenditure
Parish Area

Parish Band D Tax Rate 2025/26


Parish Band D Tax Rate Increases / (Decreases)






Aslockton 40.41 0.00 18,294 18,100
Barton-in-Fabis 25.92 0.00 5,446 5,446
Bingham 103.59 3.78 437,032 403,529
Bradmore 35.99 3.54 6,100 5,500
Bunny 89.82 1.93 26,783 26,130
Car Colston 0.00 0.00 0 0
Clipston 0.00 0.00 0 0
Colston Bassett 89.29 6.88 12,152 11,200
Costock 66.38 0.02 20,750 20,500
Cotgrave 113.42 11.56 276,040 247,912
Cropwell Bishop 159.77 3.14 116,968 112,850
Cropwell Butler 57.86 5.60 15,500 14,000
East Bridgford 54.62 1.35 46,693 45,537
East Leake 92.96 (0.82) 324,950 319,420
Elton-On-The-Hill 0.00 0.00 0 0
Flawborough 0.00 0.00 0 0
Flintham 89.61 6.58 19,750 18,300
Gotham 66.08 1.97 41,126 39,905
Granby cum Sutton 84.06 11.40 15,635 13,514
Hawksworth 211.67 39.59 15,600 12,510
Hickling 45.77 (0.29) 12,000 12,076
Holme Pierrepont & Gamston 39.36 2.13 43,610 41,250
Keyworth 72.29 0.02 227,590 218,971
Kingston-on-Soar 59.33 17.87 8,300 5,800
Kinoulton 16.22 0.84 7,073 6,710
Kneeton 0.00 0.00 0 0
Langar cum Barnstone 131.74 6.73 48,902 45,630
Newton 59.79 0.02 31,500 28,158
Normanton-on-Soar 81.25 0.32 15,965 15,450
Normanton-on-the-Wolds 64.14 6.00 10,000 10,000
Orston 55.85 4.37 12,800 11,800
Owthorpe 0.00 0.00 0 0
Plumtree 48.80 0.00 6,080 6,080
Radcliffe-on-Trent 111.88 5.35 351,800 331,581
Ratcliffe-on-Soar 0.00 0.00 0 0
Rempstone 43.52 2.39 9,300 8,650
Ruddington 126.89 6.46 420,156 380,120
Saxondale 0.00 0.00 0 0
Scarrington 0.00 (8.87) 0 750
Screveton 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Shelford 125.27 13.20 14,606 13,000
Shelton 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sibthorpe 32.57 0.00 2,000 2,000
Stanford-on-Soar 73.43 3.50 5,250 5,000
Stanton-on-the-Wolds 45.93 (1.47) 10,500 10,500
Sutton Bonington 97.12 10.81 55,696 49,500
Thoroton 79.96 79.96 7,500 0
Thrumpton 49.81 0.01 3,905 3,830
Tollerton 97.97 4.32 80,187 76,650
Upper Broughton 87.11 37.32 15,000 8,500
Upper Saxondale 78.83 0.00 31,100 31,100
West Leake 36.13 2.50 2,500 2,300
Whatton-in-the-Vale 66.77 12.96 25,755 20,755
Widmerpool 54.13 0.82 9,500 9,350
Willoughby-on-the-Wolds 48.58 (0.68) 14,671 14,671
Wiverton & Tithby 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wysall & Thorpe 79.02 (3.10) 18,000 18,000


Council Tax Charge Increases 2025-26

Council Tax Increases per band

in Band

County Council £

Fire Authority £

Police Authority  £

Borough  £

Total £

A 58.31 3.34 9.30 2.60 73.55
B 68.02 3.89 10.85 3.02 85.78
C 77.75 4.45 12.40 3.46 98.06
D 87.46 5.00 13.95 3.89 110.30
E 106.90 6.11 17.05 4.76 134.82
F 126.33 7.22 20.15 5.62 159.32
G 145.77 8.34 23.25 6.49 183.85
H 174.92 10.00 27.90 7.78 220.60


The Average charge for a band D property in Rushcliffe in 2025/26 is: £2,531.51

Parish Expenditure
Average Council Tax at band D property









County Council 1,807.08 1,894.54 87.46 4.84
Police Authority 282.15 296.10 13.95 4.94
Fire Authority 92.21 97.21 5.00 5.42
Borough Council 157.88 161.77 3.89 2.46
Parish Council 77.26 81.89 4.63 5.99
Total 2,416.58 2,531.51 114.93 4.76


Enquiries about the content of this leaflet or any comments about the Council’s finances should be directed to the Director – Finance and Corporate Services, at:


Rushcliffe Borough Council

Rushcliffe Arena

Rugby Road

West Bridgford



Tel: 0115 981 9911

Your Council Tax Bill Explained