What You Can Do
Get involved to support nature conservation work in Rushcliffe
- Apply for a Biodiversity Support Grant. This grant supports landowners and organisations carrying out work for biodiversity in Rushcliffe from 2015 onwards. Application online at Biodiversity support grant application
For tips on applying for grants and other potential funders see our Nature funding handout
Visit the Trees across Rushcliffe page for information about Grants for Trees.
- Volunteer for Nature Conservation - Local people manage most nature reserves. Local volunteers are also active in a range of other activities from organising wildlife walks, talks and open days, to monitoring planning applications and surveying for wildlife. Find out how you can volunteer by visiting our Green Sites pages below or South Notts Wildlife Trust local group of the Wildlife Trust, reserve work parties pages (includes Wildlife trust and other groups).
- Volunteer as a Tree Warden - see our Trees across Rushcliffe page
- Consider what you can do in your garden by visiting our Gardening page
- Please also visit the Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Facebook page for the latest events
Nature Conservation Forum
Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Forum's have been held since 2014, the forum presentations can be viewed online.
Documents to download
- Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Strategy (2021 - 2025)
- Nature of Rushcliffe Annual Report 2021
- Nature of Rushcliffe Annual Report 2020
- The Nature of Rushcliffe Annual Report 2018
- The Nature of Rushcliffe (Annual Report 2017)
- The Nature of Rushcliffe (Annual Report 2016)
- The Nature of Rushcliffe: Annual Report (March 2012)
- Local Wildlife Sites Leaflet
- Biological Recording in Nottinghamshire
- Status of Nottinghamshire’s Local Biodiversity Action Plan priority species (2014)
- Tree Warden Flier for Parish Councils
Useful links
- Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Strategy Facebook Page
- Trees Across Rushcliffe Facebook Page
- Insight Mapping website
- Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
- Woodland Trust
- South Notts Wildlife Trust
- Rushcliffe Barn Owl Project (Facebook)
- Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group
- Rushcliffe conservation and heritage
- Become a Tree Warden - Tree Council Volunteer Tree Wardens