Antisocial Behaviour
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) can occur anywhere and at any time. It may occur in a private area or a public one and it is primarily generated through an individual’s perception of an act being anti social. In other words the primary mechanism by which an individual
will be triggered into thinking that an act was anti-social in nature will be determined by what their perception is of ‘social behaviour’. Clearly this perception will vary between individuals who live in the same area and will be determined by an individual’s range of
life experiences and beliefs. With this in mind it is very difficult to have a standardised response to allegations of ASB, as responses and investigations need to be sensitive to the perceptions of the victim.
Find out how we investigate ASB in our Anti-social behaviour-Hate crime investigation and enforcement protocol.
To report antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood, call Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or report antisocial behaviour online to Nottinghamshire Police. Where you believe a crime is being committed you should report to the police e.g. Criminal Damage/Vandalism, Rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour in a public place, Begging etc. You can report Antisocial behaviour to Rushcliffe Borough Council on Report antisocial behaviour on the Online Form. Where it is necessary to do so the Council will refer incidents and/or individuals to partner organisations for investigation (including the police), or may investigate certain reports (e.g. noise, litter, fly tipping, abandoned vehicles etc) and act in accordance with the Anti-social behaviour-Hate crime investigation and enforcement protocol, the councils Enforcement Policy, and with regards to the Rushcliffe Borough Council Privacy Notice.
If your are a tenant in a Housing Association property you should make your housing provider aware of your issues and they will investigate the report. Where necessary they will also liaise with other agencies such as Rushcliffe ASB team or the police.
How to contact Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing can be contacted by telephone 24/7, 365 days a year on 0203 535 3535. For non-urgent calls please try to avoid calling in peak times between 8am to 10am and 4pm to 6pm or through Metropolitan Thames Valley - contact us, see also Welcome - Metropolitan Thames Valley (
You can also use the web address to report ASB: Anti-social behaviour - Metropolitan Thames Valley (
In an emergency, you should always call 999.
Do it online
- Report antisocial behaviour
- Report fly-tipping
- Report dog fouling
- Repot fly-posting
- Report graffiti
- Report vandalism
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Rushcliffe Borough Council Privacy Notice - Rushcliffe Borough Council
Documents to download
- Annual Reports of Community Trigger Outcomes
- Anti Social Behaviour case review procedure
- A guide to reporting hate crime
- Anti-social behaviour-Hate crime investigation and enforcement protocol
Useful links
- Digital stalking: guide - Women's Aid
- Nottinghamshire Neighbourhood Watch
- Crimestoppers
- Freedom programme
- Nottingham Domestic Violence Forum (NDVF)
- Home Office crime help
- Womens Aid
- Mens Advice
- Counselling Directory
Community Safety
- Antisocial Behaviour
- ASB Case Review (Community Trigger)
- CCTV Surveillance Systems
- Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Homicide Review
- Enviro-crime
- Lock It!
- Modern Slavery
- Nottinghamshire Neighbourhood Watch
- Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
- South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership
- Terrorism and Extremism
- White Ribbon Campaign
- Serious Violence Duty
- Fraud prevention and advice
- Safeguarding