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Fly Tipping

Fly-tipping is defined as the ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’ that is usually dumped to avoid disposal costs.

Tipping a mattress, electrical items or a bin bag full of rubbish in the street causes a local nuisance and makes an area look ugly and run down. At the larger end of the scale fly-tipping can involve several truckloads of construction and demolition waste being tipped on different types of land.

This page contains all the information you need to report fly-tipping, or prevent your own unwanted waste from contributing to this illegal activity.

Fly-tippers, we're watching you!

As a house holder you are responsible for waste you deposit or hand over to persons not authorised to take your waste.

Over 100 tonnes of waste, including industrial waste, furniture, white goods, oil drums, tyres and garden waste was fly tipped on Rushcliffe’s roads and green spaces between March 2015 and March 2016. That’s compared to 57 tonnes in 2014/15.

Since then, we’ve been targeting 75 fly tipping hotspots across the Borough with glowing ‘evil eyes’ signage, increasing patrols and CCTV to help catch the culprits in the act.

We are using Waste Investigations Support & Enforcement (WISE) officers to enforce the laws around fly tipping and littering and they are acting on behalf of the council to crack down on illegally deposited waste.  To avoid being subject to enforcement (see our FPN pages) please ensure that you follow the advice below on handing over your waste or if you are wishing to store waste or other materials on the highway or verge that you have the permit from the County Council (VIA-EM) to do so. Failure to have a permit means the waste is likley to be treated as unlawfully deposited and you can be subject to enforcement. Leaving on the grass verge or pavement (even if bagged) creates complaints and makes an area look untidy and unrespected. 

Information about vehicle seizures in Rushcliffe.

Information about Fixed Penalty Notices

How to report fly-tipping in Rushcliffe

Please report any instances of fly-tipping in the Borough using our online fly-tipping form or by calling our Customer Services team on 0115 981 9911.

Fly-tipped waste can be dangerous and can contain hidden hazards. Contact our teams immediately and do not attempt to remove any fly-tipped waste on Council property.

Are you contributing to fly-tipping?

Fly-tipping usually takes place to avoid disposal costs.

When it comes to waste, you have a duty of care and could be found responsible for fly-tipping or breaching your duty of care if your belongings are dumped by a third party that you have hired or allowed to remove your unwanted possessions.

Make sure you don't contribute to fly-tipping. Think SCRAP before employing or allowing anyone to remove unwanted waste:

Suspect all waste carriers and ask the questions you need to know before allowing them to remove anything

Check they’re registered on the Environment Agency's website and have a valid Waste Carrier's Licence

Refuse any unexpected offers to have your rubbish taken away

Ask what will happen to your rubbish, where will it go?

Paperwork: receipts should show the name of the company and what they took

Always ask for a Waste Carrier Licence

Everyone who handles waste, including householders, has a duty of care to do so responsibly.

If you are a householder, you are required to take reasonable steps to check that people removing waste from your premises are authorised to do so.

Household duty of care

The household duty of care responsibilities are set our in section 5 of the duty of care code of practice.

You may receive a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) as set out in the Guidance for local authorities on household waste duty of care fixed penalty notices for duty of care offences or a larger fine if convicted.

Householders must ensure that household waste is disposed of properly. Household waste is defined in section 75(5) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and includes waste from domestic properties, caravans and residential homes. The householder duty of care is provided by Section 34(2A) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (inserted by the Household Waste Duty of Care Regulations 2005). 

If you are a householder, you are required to take reasonable steps to check that people removing waste from your premises are authorised to do so.

Make sure you don't contribute to fly-tipping. Think SCRAP before employing or allowing anyone to remove unwanted waste.

Reasonable steps to take:

  • Ask the waste carrier to provide you with their full address and telephone number.
  • Ask to see their waste carrier licence issued by the Environment Agency.

You should never feel pressured into allowing a company, organisation or individual to remove materials from your property or business.

Always ask the important questions above and do not allow your waste to be collected by a third party if you have doubts about their ability to dispose of it responsibly.

For more information on tackling fly tipping and householders responsibility, visit Tackling fly tipping.

You can contact the Environment Agency directly on 08708 506 506 and ask for a free instant Waste Carrier Validation Check, alternatively you can check online on the Environment Agency website.




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