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Serious Violence Duty

Serious Violence Duty

The Serious Violence Duty was introduced by the Police, Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. It requires organisations across the public sector to work together to tackle, prevent and reduce incidents of serious violence, and make local communities safer.

These organisations include:

  • the council
  • the police
  • fire and rescue authorities
  • justice organisations (youth offending teams and probation services)
  • health bodies (Integrated Care Boards)

In Rushcliffe, the borough’s Community Safety Partnership (called the Safe Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership) is leading on the implementation of the duty with the VRP (Violence Reduction Partnership) for the whole of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

For the purposes of the duty, we define serious violence as:

  • Our definition of Serious Violence recognises the complexity of violence, with a focus on all incidents (including domestic violence) that cause serious harm. It also focuses on other offending that drives violence, so currently includes organised criminality and child exploitation

The partnership is required to produce a Serious Violence Strategy, setting out how we will work together to reduce serious violence in the borough. This is available at the VRP website.

We are committed to making our borough a safer place for all. Collectively working to reduce and prevent serious violence, so all our residents can live strong, healthy and safe lives, and enjoy all our borough has to offer.

The South Notts Community Safety Partnership has developed our Local Response Action Plan in line with the requirements of the Serious Violence Duty and are working to implement this in conjunction with the Violence Reduction Partnership across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

This plan can be viewed at the Violence Reduction Partnership’s website within the South Nottingham Serious Violence Response plan.

Documents to download

Serious violence response strategy

Useful links

The Serious Violence Partnership (VRP) 

South Notts SVD action plan