White Ribbon Campaign
White Ribbon Authority
Rushcliffe Borough Council has achieved White Ribbon Accreditation and is committed to working towards eliminating attitudes and behaviours that can lead to violence against women and girls.
The accreditation aligns with White Ribbon UK, the leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls in the workplace and local community.
As a White Ribbon Accredited organisation, RBC will deliver a comprehensive multi-year plan to support positive action across the organisation and the wider community.
RBC will ensure its HR policies align with the White Ribbon values and are shared across the organisation, implement staff training, raise awareness through the national campaign, work in collaboration with local partners, explore and utilise funding opportunities and schemes to support victims of abuse.
Specialised training for Housing Options Officers commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council is also in place as part of the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board Action Plan.
The action plan will help to eliminate attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence against women and will provide opportunities to raise awareness and broaden knowledge so that staff and Councillors become positive changemakers.
At a Full Council meeting earlier this year on March 7, a motion was passed to seek re-accreditation as a White Ribbon UK organisation. As a part of the accreditation, the authority has set up a Steering Group of officers from across the Council who are currently working to put together a three-year action plan.
Support available
Locally, there is help and advice available for anyone (woman or man or child) who has experienced domestic or sexual abuse.
The Nottinghamshire numbers to call for support:
24 hour Domestic Abuse Freephone helpline: 0808 800 0340 (a central number for advice and access to local domestic abuse services)
Men's Advice Line: 0808 801 0327
Rape Crisis: 0115 941 0440
ISAS (Incest and Sexual Abuse Survivors): 01636 610 313
Childline: 0800 1111
If you are at risk of violence or abuse in your home, please see further information on RBC's website page on housing support and homelessness.
Do it online
- Report antisocial behaviour
- Report fly-tipping
- Report dog fouling
- Repot fly-posting
- Report graffiti
- Report vandalism
- Report an abandoned vehicle
Documents to download
- Annual Reports of Community Trigger Outcomes
- Anti Social Behaviour case review procedure
- A guide to reporting hate crime
- Anti-social behaviour-Hate crime investigation and enforcement protocol
Useful links
- Digital stalking: guide - Women's Aid
- Nottinghamshire Neighbourhood Watch
- Crimestoppers
- Freedom programme
- Nottingham Domestic Violence Forum (NDVF)
- Home Office crime help
- Womens Aid
- Mens Advice
- Counselling Directory
Community Safety
- Antisocial Behaviour
- ASB Case Review (Community Trigger)
- CCTV Surveillance Systems
- Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Homicide Review
- Enviro-crime
- Lock It!
- Modern Slavery
- Nottinghamshire Neighbourhood Watch
- Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
- South Nottinghamshire Community Safety Partnership
- Terrorism and Extremism
- White Ribbon Campaign
- Serious Violence Duty
- Fraud prevention and advice
- Safeguarding