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Street Trading

Rushcliffe Borough Council Street Trading Policy


Street Trading Consents

Rushcliffe Borough Council has adopted the Street Trading Policy 2020-2025 on the 5 March 2020 following a public consultation process (read the minutes of the meeting from the council decision). Previously only certain streets in the Borough would fall under the control of Street Trading rules, but from the 5 March 2020 all streets in the Borough are either a prohibited or consent street in relation to street trading.  A number of streets remain as prohibited streets, so permission for street trading will not be granted for these areas.  The remaining streets are designated consent streets, requiring a consent to be obtained from the Council prior to street trading being permitted. This also includes private land that accesses from a street. There are however, a number of exemptions that apply to the requirement for a street trading consent, which are set out in the policy, which is available to download Street Trading Policy 2020-25.

An application for a street trading consent is not a guarantee that a consent will be issued. You will need permission from the land owner, the location will need to meet the requirements set out in the policy and you will need to be able to operate the trading in accordance to any conditions set out in the policy or consent provided.

Street trading often takes place on certain streets around the Nottingham Forest Football Ground and the Trent Bridge Cricket Ground in West Bridgford and these continue to be consented or prohibited under the new policy.

Under Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Rushcliffe Borough Council, for the purposes of regulating street trading within the Borough, the following streets are prohibited streets where no street trading may take place:

  • Colwick Road
  • Orston Road West
  • Scarrington Road including the footpath to Lady Bay Bridge
  • Rosebery Avenue
  • Lady Bay Bridge from its junction with Radcliffe Road to the Borough/City boundary
  • Radcliffe Road from its junction with Lady Bay Bridge to the junction with Hardwick Grove
  • London Road/Trent Bridge/Loughborough Road/Radcliffe Road and Bridgford Road as marked on the plan.
  • To designate all remaining streets within the Borough as consent streets where street trading is prohibited without the consent of the Borough Council

If you suspect someone of breaking this law, please use our online form to report illegal street trading.

Applications for a street trading consent on the consent streets should be made in July of each year. There are a limited number of pitches available in and around Trent Bridge and only on match days when Nottingham Forest are at home. There are no consent areas when matches take place at the Trent Bridge Cricket Ground. The current fees are shown on the fees and charges page.

Am I eligible? 

The applicant must provide full details of themselves and their business and provide two passport photographs to accompany the application. They must be over the age of 17 years.

Regulation summary

Please see legislation on street trading.

How will my application be evaluated?

Applications for registration should be sent to authority together with the fee.

Applications for registration must comply with any requirements set by The Council. Consent will only be granted for the pitches allocated.

Licences will be refused if any of the following grounds exist:

  • There isn’t enough space on the street you wish to trade in without causing interference or inconvenience to street users
  • You wish to trade for more days than the consent allows
  • You are unsuitable to hold a licence due to any previous convictions or other reasons
  • You have previously failed to pay fees due under another street trading consent.

Apply online 

The online application system will be available soon.

Application form 

What happens next?

The Council will evaluate the application and make a decision based on the number of pitches available.

What if my application is refused?

If the local authority intends to refuse the application or grant it on different terms than those applied for or vary conditions or revoke the consent a notice will be served. The notice will detail the grounds and give you the opportunity to make written representations.

Consumer complaints 

We would always advise that in the event of a complaint the first point of contact should be made with the service provider (The Council). If this has not worked and you are located in the UK then contact Consumer Direct or if outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.


Licence information is available on our public registers page



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Street Trading Policy 2020-25 (html)