Coming soon! Rushcliffe vegetable oil bin lorries to cut emissions by 90 per cent!
Last updated: 25/3/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s bin lorries are going veggie soon with most its fleet switching to operate on hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) cutting their carbon dioxide emissions by 90 per cent!
As part of the authority’s Carbon Clever project and Environmental priority, 21 frontline refuse vehicles will be converted to the new method from April, powered solely by waste oil not used by supermarkets and other suppliers.
They contribute to over 80 per cent of the Council’s total fleet emissions and HVO will be used as an alternative and interim option to diesel whilst the Council consider further alternatives in the coming years as the Council aims to be carbon neutral by 2030.
HVO is a diesel-quality fuel, made by the hydro-processing of oils and fats and is an alternative to the existing standard biodiesel used by the vehicles.
It will mean reduced nitrous oxide emissions and its longer-term storage stability make it a complete replacement for the current fuel.
May will see a further roll out to some of the smaller vehicles in the overall fleet of 60 across the Council’s waste and Streetwise functions.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “This is an exceptionally positive move as we pass another landmark towards our bin lorry operations helping reduce their impact on the environment.
“HVO offers a good, reliable transitional arrangement which will work well for our Borough contributing to our 2030 target of being carbon neutral.
“It will not affect the day to day running of our vehicles and requires no major vehicle maintenance changes.
“We will continue to explore our project to explore electric vehicles and indeed other alternatives as technology develops, but further work is needed on charging infrastructure and suitability of electric vehicles due to the cost, range and rural nature of parts of our Borough.
“HVO is being used more and more in commercial applications and the move follows many large multinational businesses that have endorsed HVO for their vehicles.
“Our refuse teams can’t wait to use the vehicles and play their part for a better environment across Rushcliffe.”