Council concerns stop further drive-thru coffee shop plans in Edwalton
Last updated: 29/9/2023
Concerns over the impact on residents and local traffic have stopped a planning application for a further drive-thru coffee shop close to Wheatcroft island in Edwalton following work by Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) planning team.
Planners originally refused plans from Edwalton Holdings Ltd for the site in December 2022 on land between the Porsche and ALDI sites adjacent to the A606 Melton Road and close to an existing similar outlet.
A subsequent appeal has now been dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate that cited the significant impacts on traffic flow at the proposed site and issues with the design of the facility.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Cllr Roger Upton said: “Officers stepped in and stopped this application that could have had serious traffic implications and effects to local residents and that as the Inspectorate stated, would have harmed the character and appearance of the area.
“We welcome suitable and appropriate planning applications that can improve our local economy but in this instance officers were right to refuse this, backed up by the appeal being dismissed. The County Council also raised significant highways concerns and many were referenced by the inspector in his decision.
“Despite the applicants not seeking to engage with our teams prior to the application submission, RBC planners worked hard at the application stage to highlight the knock-on traffic effects would have been unsustainable. Standards of the design were also simply not up to scratch and ultimately they had no choice but to refuse it.
“They respond to many applications every year and it’s testament to how rigorously they are checked, they have alleviated where real community and highway issues could have been created here.”
Dismissing the appeal in their decision on September 26, The Inspector also highlighted the proposed single storey flat roofed building was deemed to have a boxy low level functional appearance and its roof mounted bulky signage blade would be disproportionate in size to the rest of the building.
On a visit to the site he could not be satisfied that the development would not result in a severe impact on the local highway network. There was a further lack of a retail impact assessment to consider the implications of the plans on the nearby existing retail centres.
Ward Councillors for Edwalton Cllr Hetvi Parekh and Cllr Gordon Wheeler said: “As local councillors for Edwalton, we would like to thank RBC officers and the work they put in for the appeal.
"The majority of the residents were against this application and had put numerous objections and had taken the time to comment on the planning portal.
"We also had put our objections on the planning portal. We are delighted that the appeal has been dismissed and the voice of the local residents has been heard.”