Customer Service Contact Point now open at West Bridgford Library
Last updated: 29/8/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has now opened a Customer Service Contact Point at West Bridgford Library to deliver an even better value for money service.
The authority is working in partnership with Inspire who operate the library on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council and will see no changes to existing library services.
The Council has moved from its former Customer Service Centre on Gordon Road but residents can continue to access the same face to face Customer Services as before, on Mondays and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm and Fridays 9am to 4.30pm.
Sharing a space at the library on Bridgford Road will realise savings and benefits for both parties whilst maintaining good local access to the RBC service with the site adjacent to local car parks and bus routes.
Other existing Customer Contact Points at Cotgrave Hub, East Leake Library and Bingham Medical Centre remain the same.
Residents can find out more about West Bridgford Library including opening times and other services at
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, ICT and Member Development Cllr Jonathan Wheeler said: “It’s great to build on this partnership with Inspire and sharing space means better value services for residents.
“We continue to offer our fantastic face to face town centre presences in West Bridgford, Cotgrave, East Leake and Bingham. We are aware how important this service is to supporting residents alongside our online and phone service.
“It means we can continue to support some of the most vulnerable in our community when they need to see someone in person whilst our digital services continue to develop.
“We’re aware of the complexities of some enquiries mean seeing a friendly face is often the easiest option. Working with a fellow public sector partner in this way also saves money that can be invested in our services whilst maintaining existing standards and accessibility.”
Peter Gaw, Chief Executive Inspire added: “Our libraries are integral to local communities and provide a wide range of information services.
“The widening of our offer in partnership with the Borough Council places the library as the one stop information centre for West Bridgford.
“The customer contact points in Cotgrave and East Leake Libraries have been a huge success through our partnership with Rushcliffe Borough Council and we are delighted to bring the service to West Bridgford residents.”