East Leake panto in the spotlight thanks to UK Shared Prosperity Fund!
Last updated: 13/11/2023
A local drama group have celebrated the spotlight continuing to shine on their productions thanks to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funded by the UK Government, now available for other Rushcliffe community groups.
East Leake Amateur Players are among the community projects to benefit from Rushcliffe’s last round of grant funding as part of the Communities and Place theme, with improvements to lighting and staging at East Leake Village Hall.
The timely upgrades of the equipment has come in time for this year’s panto Robin Hood: Making Merry, written and directed by Gill Bowness, taking place from December 6 to 9.
The grant has also allowed for training for the group’s performers and volunteers in event operations, first aid and theatre skills from December to February. The group hopes to boost its membership as a result of the project’s activities and impact.
Tickets for the panto are £8 per person and available at The Greengrocer in East Leake or online at www.elaps.uk
Groups, businesses, voluntary or public sector organisations across the Borough can secure up to £40k for their project from UKSPF or the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) with this round of funding open for applications until January 19, 2024.
Projects can cover a broad range of initiatives and examples include:
- Improving local green spaces, active travel and energy-saving options
- Supporting local arts, cultural, heritage and creative activities
- Boosting local sports facilities, teams and leagues
- Impactful volunteering and community engagement
- Supporting businesses to grow
- Supporting businesses to decarbonise
- Diversification of farm businesses
Projects must be delivered in Rushcliffe and must be able to spend their funding allocation between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
The Council’s Economic Growth team have a webinar this Thursday November 16, 5.30pm for interested local community organisations to find out more.
Find out more information or email UKSPFenquiries@rushcliffe.gov.uk
Deputy Leader of Rushcliffe Borough Council Cllr Abby Brennan said: “We’re pleased the East Leake Amateur Players are just one of the very worthy local groups to benefit from UKSPF funding so far.
“Supporting their efforts with equipment to bring cultural events such as local theatre even more to life is exactly what this part of the fund was aimed at. The group is a great example of those who play such a valuable part at the heart of our communities.
“I would really encourage any local groups, businesses, voluntary or public sector organisations to look carefully where their projects could also be supported and apply before January 19.
“It’s excellent investment in Rushcliffe, funded by the UK Government.”
Debbie Flinders from the group added: “The new lighting will make a real difference to the impact of our staging, we’re excited to see it an action at this year’s pantomime and delighted that, with support from so many local volunteers, as well as from RBC’s UKSPF grant, ELAPs is going from strength to strength.”