Explore local support at Dementia and Carers Marketplace in West Bridgford on May 16
Last updated: 30/4/2024
Residents are invited to a Dementia and Carers Marketplace on Thursday May 16 at Rushcliffe Arena on Rugby Road in West Bridgford offering a variety of local support to help improve the lives of carers and people living with dementia.
The event takes place from 10am to 2pm and is delivered by the Rushcliffe Dementia Action Network (RDAN) in partnership with Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) and Rushcliffe Primary Care Network to offer support for people living with dementia, their families, and for all carers.
Visitors can explore a range of support including:
- Alzheimer’s Society – information on their Wellbeing Support Service and a wide range of guides
- Rushcliffe Community Voluntary Service – find out more on befriending services and community transport
- Local Memory Cafés – details on seven dementia-friendly cafés across the Borough including at Rushcliffe County Park
- Carer Advice and Support – hear about peer support groups, benefits and options for respite care
- Local Community Groups – explore a wide range of dementia inclusive activities locally including singing and exercise classes
- Social Prescribers – every GP surgery has a social prescriber who can talk to you about local community resources and friendship calendars
- Age UK Notts – find out about how to stay safe with information and advice about scams and fraud prevention
- Legal advice – chat to local solicitors about how to plan well for your future, including advice about setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Benefits advice – information and advice from RBC and Nottinghamshire County Council
- Local Police Team – find out about the Herbert Protocol which can help if a loved one goes missing
- Health and Wellbeing information – information to help us live healthy lives and to support our wellbeing
- NHS Talking Therapies – find out how you might benefit from support with stress and anxiety
- Equipment to maintain independence – hear about a range of useful devices including sensors and walking aids.
People can also sign up for a Dementia Friends information session taking place at the event from 11am to midday, to learn more about how dementia affects the brain and how to live well with dementia with the right support.
During the session, attendees will get the opportunity to make a dementia friendly pledge to help people in their community living with dementia.
Throughout the day there will also be interactive sessions on how to avoid scams and fraud, as well as setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney.
The event coincides with Dementia Action Week which runs from May 13 to 19 to help raise awareness of dementia and encourages people to take action by recognising symptoms, help people to get a diagnosis and seek support.
RBC’s Director for Neighbourhoods Dave Banks said: “This event is part of a programme of work to support Rushcliffe to become a Dementia Friendly Community, which understands, supports, and empowers those living with dementia.
“There will be a range of professionals, voluntary and community groups exhibiting at the marketplace and is a great opportunity for visitors to discover local support and resources to help improve the quality of life for carers and those affected by dementia.
“The marketplace is a great example of partnership working and we hope there will be many opportunities to network and understand how services and organisations are involved in helping to “live well” with dementia.”
Project lead for the Rushcliffe Dementia Project Gwynneth Owen added: “Living with dementia can feel like a lonely place sometimes – this marketplace is going to be a great example of local groups and organisations coming together to showcase their support, all under one roof!
“This kind of collaboration on a local level, can really make a difference to health and wellbeing”.
Lex Leisure is also hosting a Disability Open Day on Friday May 17 at Rushcliffe Arena from 10am to 3pm for anyone with disabilities to meet the friendly Lex Leisure team, learn more on the leisure centre’s accessibility activities and explore a range of fitness classes including disability swim, badminton, table tennis, walking cricket, stand up circuits.
There will also be information on personal training and The GP Referral Scheme in Rushcliffe.
Representatives from Sight Loss Council, Alzheimer’s Society and other organisations will be in attendance to speak to visitors.