First meeting of Bingham car parking group scopes upcoming survey
Last updated: 5/10/2023
A new strategy group has now met to discuss action on car parking in Bingham with a new survey set to further collect up to date and in-depth information about parking both on and off street in its town centre.
The Bingham Car Park Strategy Group is now working in partnership to scope out the survey that will consider changes that could be made to improve capacity and feed into the development of a business case for a possible long stay car park at Butt Field site.
It follows recommendations approved by Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Cabinet on September 12 and discussions at Bingham Town Council’s (BTC) Council meeting on September 19 to form the group leading the project.
Partners including RBC, BTC and Nottinghamshire County Council agreed the survey could inform exploring short and long-term solutions and indicated future discussions at meetings that will also centre on active travel and the role that cycling, walking and public transport to complement any changes.
They are also considering the suitability of a Bingham Town Council site close to Bingham Arena for a possible future long-stay car park to further inform a Bingham Parking Strategy.
Group members include RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis, Ward Members for Bingham, Mayor Cllr Rowan Bird from Bingham Town Council and RBC Leader and Nottinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment Cllr Neil Clarke.
Cllr Clarke said: “I am really pleased with our first meeting which was formed to better understand the parking situation in Bingham and identify the issues, opportunities and solutions to inform the strategy.
“Our partnership working talked through the implementation of a new survey which is vital for providing data to consider changes that could be made within the existing town centre car parks to improve capacity.
“The data will also feed into the development of a business case for a possible long stay car park at Butt Field site in the town and assess the site close to Bingham Arena.
“We will continue to regularly meet and assess other short-term solutions which could become longer-term solutions if successful.”
RBC responded to BTC’s request last year for wider support for their car parking project which commenced with a £25,000 grant and officer assistance, just part of the work completed since the partnership was formed.
Cllr Inglis added: “The first strategy group meeting with the town and County Councils has been successful and we will take these next steps with the survey to gain a further insight into the town’s parking situation.
“It will then inform better place us to prepare a parking strategy for Bingham in conjunction with the County’s transport and highway strategy, including on street car parking.”
Cllr Bird, Mayor of Bingham Town Council added: “With all Councils working together, the parking survey is the next step to informing a business case for a long stay car park.
“The data collected will also assist the group in making informed decisions about the current parking structure in the Town and we are pleased to be involved in that process.
“The Town Council are fully committed to exploring all opportunities for parking in the town to assist residents and businesses.”