Group to discuss additional £200k boost for disabled facilities grants
Last updated: 12/11/2024
A boost of an extra £200,000 of further support for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) for Rushcliffe residents is set to be discussed, with a view to approval by the Council’s Cabinet in early December.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s(RBC) Corporate Overview Group will discuss the possible extra support at its meeting on November 19 that could see more people with disabilities benefit from home adaptations which can promote independence and safety, including greater mobility to get around their home and carry out everyday tasks.
The grants are available for many different changes to a home including installing ramps, handrails and widening doors, fitting stair lifts or floor lifts, level access showers, improving access to a garden or building an extension such as a downstairs bedroom or bathroom.
The possible new funding has been created from efficiencies elsewhere in the Council’s budget identified as part of the authority’s 2024/25 financial quarter two position.
It follows a discussion on DFGs at a recent Communities and Growth Scrutiny Group of the Council that agreed to increase the supply of accessible and adapted homes, including wheelchair user dwellings and be an advocate to increase funding from central government.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance Cllr Davinder Virdi said: “We’re pleased the Council can offer this extra amount to the DFG budget from our own effective financial management and efficiencies.
“They could make a significant difference to some of our residents’ lives who may suffer from mobility or other issues. We know how vital it is as many people as possible are supported with this help and to move freely and easily around their home.
“Even with this additional allocation the Council is aware of the rising demand and costs of disabled facilities schemes that means that fundamental change to the funding of DFGs via central government is required.
“Like many Councils, we continue to lobby central government hard on this matter to change the formula to enable us to access enhanced funding as the current system is not sustainable, affordable or prudent.”