Have your say on play facilities across Rushcliffe
Last updated: 8/8/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council is inviting residents to have their say on play facilities across the Borough, including those not maintained by the authority.
The Rushcliffe Play Strategy Review wants to understand more of people’s views on the quality and access of existing play sites and they can have their say in this short survey until September 15.
Responses will help shape priorities for the future, better channel funding and highlight where play areas are needed in line with the area’s sustainable growth.
The consultation is specifically looking for the views of parents or carers of children who visit free to access play sites across the Borough and to hear feedback on what could be improved, their size, the quality and condition of equipment and how inclusive and accessible play items.
It is also seeking views on the wider ambience and experience when visiting a site, if visitors feel spaces are welcoming and safe to meet friends or family.
The wider strategy will also look to ensure the Borough and local Town and Parish Councils have the very latest guidance from central government on accessibility and inclusion and emerging policy around making space at play sites for girls.
If you need further support completing the survey, visit one of our customer services contact points across the Borough.