Have your say on Rushcliffe Economic Growth Strategy
Last updated: 5/4/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) are developing a new Economic Growth Strategy for the Borough to set out its ambitions to have a thriving and sustainable economy that benefits all.
It will showcase the opportunity the Borough presents for future investment to support it in playing a pivotal role for the region’s economy.
Business owners, residents and all stakeholders are invited to have their say in this short survey by Friday April 19.
The Council would like to understand what businesses, residents and stakeholders think are the key priorities, challenges and opportunities for the Borough.
The priority areas for the strategy that have been identified so far are:
- Place and Experience; what it is like to live, work and visit Rushcliffe including its town centre and high streets, housing growth and culture and heritage.
- Investment and Infrastructure; attracting new businesses to the Borough and securing the right transport and other infrastructure to support any growth.
- Business Support, Growth and Skills; providing the right support to existing businesses and understanding current and future skills needs.
RBC’s Director Development and Economic Growth Leanne Ashmore said: “Rushcliffe is a vibrant place full of great thriving businesses but we want to sustain the local economy and enhance and support it wherever we can with this new strategy.
“Please have your say and let us know your views on its possible priority areas and what matters to you.
“The local economy has remained strong in the face of economic challenges in recent years and we want to hear how we can continue to help and add the most value to maintain Rushcliffe as a great place to live, work and visit."