Have your say on the local scheme of validation for planning applications
Last updated: 23/11/2023
Rushcliffe Borough Council has reviewed its local scheme of validation for planning applications, which sets out what is required to accompany planning applications when they are submitted.
All Councils are required to produce a Local List of requirements, to support the national requirements which are mandatory for all applications.
The local requirements seek supporting information which the Council consider necessary to allow it to properly consider a proposal and reach a speedy decision.
The list will inform service users like agents, developers and applicants what is required for each type of planning application from a simple house extension to a major development of several hundred houses or major industrial or retail unit.
As part of the adoption process, the Council must carry out a period of consultation, which commences on November 22, 2023 until January 17, 2024.
Find out more and have your say by emailing planningandgrowth@rushcliffe.gov.uk