High street businesses in Rushcliffe can now apply for grants of up to £5k
Last updated: 3/4/2024
A new grant scheme from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is now offering grants of up to £5,000 for small high street businesses in Rushcliffe, to help boost their trade by improving their energy efficiency, digital offer or shopfronts.
Supported by Shared Prosperity Funding from the UK Government, the High Street Small Business Grants can support up to 70% of the cost of projects up to a maximum of £5,000 to further assist those currently trading on local high streets and town centres.
Funding is available for businesses, particularly from the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors, to help support and sustain existing businesses on the high street, improve the appearance of existing premises on the high street and encourage businesses to introduce energy saving measures.
Energy efficiency activities include funding for the installation of small-scale measures to reduce energy consumption and costs, for example, LED lighting, improved insulation and upgrades to modern electronic thermostats.
Funding for digital support that will enable improved productivity or efficiency in the business can include, the purchase of specialist equipment and support for growing and improving their digital footprint.
Examples of shopfront improvements to enhance the visual appearance of the high street can include, restoration or repair work, replacement of shop front signage, windows or doors and appropriate lighting.
The grants launched on April 1 and will close once all the funding is allocated. All grants awarded must be claimed before March 2025.
For full eligibility and further details, visit RBC's UKSPF webpage. Application forms can be requested by emailing RBC’s Economic Growth team at ukspfenquiries@rushcliffe.gov.uk.