New floodlights installed at Keyworth Rugby Football Club with £30k UKSPF funding
Last updated: 16/2/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has allocated over £30,000 of UKSPF funding for floodlights enhancements at Keyworth Rugby Football Club enabling them to host a girl’s rugby development programme and maximise club training opportunities during the winter months.
Supported by Shared Prosperity Funding from the UK Government, the improved lighting on the pitches and car park has meant the club on Willoughby Road in Widmerpool now has extended hours and increased use of the facilities through training and tournaments leading to further group bookings at the pavilion.
It is also now the proud home to the Notts Lincs Derbys Girls Developing Player Programme (DPP) at U16 level, and the U18s girls’ training sessions.
DPP supports girls across the East Midlands on a development programme and is the first step to playing for England Rugby.
RBC’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth Cllr Abby Brennan and RBC ward member Cllr Rob Inglis met some of the girls and coaches from the DPP programme to take a look at the new facilities, installed late last year.
Cllr Brennan said: “We’re pleased to see the floodlight enhancements have helped to bring more players of all ages to the club to train and compete locally.
“Keyworth Rugby Football Club has also seen an increased use of the pavilion and facilities by both club members and outside organisations.
“It’s brilliant that the club is now hosting the Under 16 Girls’ DPP, which is the first step on the girls’ journey towards England elite level. It’s an exciting programme and we’re pleased they can train here in Rushcliffe, hugely assisted by this investment.
“This project is a great example of how UKSPF funding is helping to boost local sports facilities and enhance the Borough as a great place for sport.”
Cllr Inglis added: “Keyworth Rugby Football Club is an excellent venue that embraces players and their families from across the region.
"The improved lighting to the pitches has made a great difference for evening training opportunities and this funding to update and install new floodlights has enabled the glorious opportunity to host the Notts Lincs and Derbys Girls Developing Player Pathway programme at U16 level and the U18's girls training sessions whilst they work towards an international level of rugby.
“There is a fantastic atmosphere and current uplift in the club and it plays a key role in the local community by offering a versatile venue for sports and community events.
“The Club is moving from strength to strength with their junior, youth and senior team doing really well, the 1st team so far undefeated this season winning their 15 out of 15 league games, so do get down to support them, you will be made most welcome!”

Keyworth Rugby Football Club Chair Kevin Price said: “The grant through RBC and UKSPF has enabled the Club's own teams, at both junior and adult levels, to benefit from significantly increased match and training opportunity.
“It has also enabled the Club to host both the Notts Lincs Derbys Girls Developing Player Pathway programme at U16 level, and the U18's girls training sessions.
“Without the funding our own training facilities would have remained at the previously comparatively restricted levels and the girls’ programmes could not have been hosted at all.
“We were also offered an exciting opportunity to host the U18 girls’ elite pathway which could only be made possible with the new floodlights in place.”
NLD U16 Girls Developing Player Programme (DPP) Manager Ken James added: “Having searched the many clubs within the region, Keyworth Rugby Football Club was the ideal location to run the England Rugby Development Player Programme for the U16 Girls”.
“The facilities are first class and the hospitality shown to both players and parents is what our programme is all about.
“The improved flood lights meant we could train later and longer as some girls have nearly a two hour journey to the venue, and the brighter car park makes the area feel very safe.
“Thank you to Keyworth RFC, their Chairman, RBC and UKSPF for making this opportunity possible and for supporting our programme in giving girls a first class venue to train and hopefully become one of the Red Roses in the future”