New tariffs at Bingham car parks introduced
Last updated: 2/12/2024
New measures to increase the availability of parking spaces across Bingham’s car parks are now in place with two hours of free parking at Newgate Street and Needham Street.
The new tariffs are:
- Up to 2 hours – free with a voucher from the machine or with RingGo
- Up to 3 hours - £1
- Up to 4 hours - £5
- Over 4 hours - £10
Parking charges apply Monday to Sunday between 8am to 6pm.
Free parking for 30 minutes in the bays around the marketplace were introduced last month to improve parking through encouraging shorter stay.
The bays are available for parking for 30 minutes on Thursdays after 10am subject to spaces being available on market day.
Nottinghamshire County Council are also progressing their own consultation process for similar changes to the on-street bays around the marketplace.
Around 30 chargeable spaces are available at Bingham Arena for long stay parking aimed at staff working at local businesses. There has been a positive take up for these permits to date. For more information email
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Cabinet worked in conjunction with the Bingham Car Parking Strategy Group to discuss proposals to help shape the new tariffs to improve parking availability in the town centre.
The Council took into account the views of residents and business owners balanced against the findings of surveys from car park users last year.
A further phase of the project will explore the promotion of active travel around the town and the results of a recent public survey on this topic are currently being analysed.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “The new charges were recently introduced and we’re already seeing increased availability for residents and visitors to the area.
“The new tariffs in place focus on maximising the availability of spaces for short stay users and those who wish to stay longer, in line with data from car park users.
“Newgate Street and Needham Street car parks have remained two hours free of charge with the needs of shoppers and visitors prioritised.
“Any funds received from car parking only meet the cost of the changes that are required such as new car park machines and contributing to the overall cost of maintaining the Borough’s car parks.”
Mayor of Bingham Cllr Gareth Williams added: “It’s been great to hear the initial feedback from residents and visitors that they are finding it much easier to find parking spaces in the Bingham car parks”.