Planning application submitted for homes at Tollerton airfield
Last updated: 21/3/2024
A second planning application for new homes at the site of Tollerton Airfield has now been submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council following the first submission in December 2020 for housing, a primary school, local centre and supporting infrastructure.
The new application has now been validated on the authority’s website at under application reference 24/00347/HYBRID.
It proposes a mixture of full and outline planning permission for the phased residential development that could see dwellings, a second primary school and supporting infrastructure such as open spaces and sports pitches.
There is a further area of land that does not form part of the two planning applications received, which could be for additional homes, community infrastructure, employment land, and a secondary school.
The Council have advised the applicants it cannot determine either application until such time that a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is in place, which is a masterplan for the site.
Planning officers are working with the consortium of landowners for the development of this masterplan to ensure all public and community infrastructure is planned properly and to the highest standards, taking account of the needs of the new and existing communities.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Cllr Roger Upton said: “We are duty bound to validate the application if it is correct and cannot decline to do so, but the applicants are aware we cannot determine the application until the SPD is in place.
“We will formally consult technical consultees, ward members, the relevant Parish Councils and local residents, all of whom will have the chance to comment on the proposals.”