Plans for Edwalton Community Hall given green light
Last updated: 13/10/2023
Plans for a new Community Hall in Edwalton that will benefit many of its new communities and wider West Bridgford has been given the green light.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Planning Committee approved proposals at its meeting on Thursday(October 12) that will see the site home to a meeting room, open plan community room, kitchen, publicly accessible toilets for use by allotment and community park users and a small storage facility for the potential use by Friends of Sharphill Woods.
The new hall located off Rose Way could create nine full time employment positions and was cited by Planning Officers it can enhance community facilities available locally, in line with the authority’s Leisure Strategy.
With environmental considerations in mind, a PV Solar array will be positioned on its south facing roof and an air source heat pump installed to ensure the structure is as carbon clever as possible.
27 parking, six disabled spaces and five cycle spaces will be created as part of the development.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transformation, Leisure and Wellbeing Cllr Jonathan Wheeler said: “This is great news for Edwalton and the wider West Bridgford community.
“The new centre will be a great new venue to hold events, meetings and celebrations for residents living in newer communities in Edwalton and those in adjoining neighbourhoods in the area and West Bridgford.
“It will also be home to a storage facility for Friends of Sharphill Woods, supporting their ongoing efforts and first Green Flag Award earlier this year.
“We are of course mindful of residents’ needs with further infrastructure such as this when the Borough grows as it has significantly in this location.
“It accompanies our capital programme elsewhere in the Borough with the £20m invested in Bingham Arena recently and over £2.5m of improvements at Leisure Centres in Keyworth and Cotgrave in the coming years to enable them to remain both financially and environmentally sustainable.”