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RBC’s Community Wellbeing Fund supports allotment project in West Bridgford

Last updated: 19/3/2025

A community allotment project in West Bridgford is helping to improve mental health and wellbeing by providing a welcoming outdoor space for people to connect, learn new skills, and enjoy fun activities.

Local homelessness charity The Friary runs the project at its allotment on Loughborough Road in the town and offers free weekly sessions for service users to meet new people and have fun in a friendly and welcoming space.

The sessions focus on gardening, crafts and cooking and produce from the allotments are used to prepare meals at the allotments or distributed to those in need at the drop-in centre for homeless and unemployed people on Musters Road.

Rushcliffe Borough (RBC) Council allocated grant funding from its Community Wellbeing Fund to support the project with purchasing essential toilet facilities, ensuring the site is more accessible and functional for all participants.

RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing, ICT & Member Development Cllr Jonathan Wheeler said: “The allotment provides a valuable outdoor community space where service users can improve their mental health and wellbeing through connecting with nature and having fun through a variety of engaging activities.

“The Friary is an inspiring local charity that offers practical and emotional support to homeless and vulnerable adults, helping them rebuild their lives.

“We’re delighted to support this project through our Community Wellbeing Fund, ensuring the allotment has the necessary facilities in place to run the free sessions.”

The Friary Project Co-ordinator Jen Blake added: “The funding from RBC has been so useful to help make the space more functional and we’re pleased the allotments are now fully equipped with all the amenities that we need.

“Our project supports visitors to the Friary’s Drop-In Centre and is open to the wider community on referral. If you ask anyone here, they’ll tell you these sessions at the allotments are a great way to help to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

“We offer a garden space which really helps participants if they don’t have a garden themselves and it’s a safe space for everyone to socialise, connect with others and learn new skills.”

If you’d like to volunteer with our allotment project, please contact Jen by emailing .

The Community Wellbeing Fund is supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.