RBC shows support for White Ribbon Day helping to end violence against women and girls
Last updated: 29/11/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is supporting the White Ribbon Day today (November 25), an international campaign dedicated to ending violence against women and girls.
This year’s theme for White Ribbon Day is ‘It starts with men’ – it’s about men and boys changing attitudes and behaviours to prevent gender-based violence from happening in the first place.
White Ribbon Day was introduced by White Ribbon UK, the leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls in the workplace and local community and further information can be found at on the White Ribbon website.
Earlier this year RBC announced its White Ribbon Accreditation and commitment to working towards eliminating attitudes and behaviours that can lead to violence against women and girls.
As a White Ribbon Accredited organisation, RBC will deliver a comprehensive multi-year plan to support positive action across the organisation and the wider community.
RBC will ensure its HR policies align with the White Ribbon values and are shared across the organisation, implement staff training, raise awareness through the national campaign, work in collaboration with local partners, explore and utilise funding opportunities and schemes to support victims of abuse.
Specialised training for Housing Options Officers commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council is also in place as part of the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board Action Plan.
The action plan will help to eliminate attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence against women and will provide opportunities to raise awareness and broaden knowledge so that staff and Councillors become positive changemakers.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment & Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We’re proud to support the White Ribbon campaign and our accreditation shows our commitment to ending violence against women within our workplace and wider community.
“Our accreditation was a cross-party motion and over the next three years, our work will focus on learning how to identify and root out harmful attitudes and behaviours that contribute to gender-based violence.
“Our Members have recently received training to highlight their role in raising awareness, supporting victims of domestic abuse and signposting to the support available.
“We have current measures in place and have a very active role in multi-agency partnerships including Nottinghamshire Police, The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, Domestic Abuse Partnership Board and local services such as J9 that support victims of abuse.
“We’ve also created safe spaces around the Borough where anyone who may be feeling fear or vulnerable will know they can take refuge there whilst they call for help or support from family or a friend.
“We are encouraging more businesses across Rushcliffe to consider creating a safe space within their business premise and you can contact Judith Brown by emailing jbrown@rushcliffe.gov.uk to become a part of the scheme.
“We are proud to work in partnership to help eliminate abuse in all its forms.”
Support available for victims of domestic or sexual abuse
There is help and advice available for anyone (woman or man or child) who has experienced domestic or sexual abuse.
JUNO Women's Aid for women and children - 24h Free Helpline 0808 800 0340
Equation domestic Abuse for Men - 0115 960 5556
Galop National LGBT + Domestic Abuse – 0800 999 5428
Childline for children or young people up to the age of 19 – 0800 11 11
In an emergency call the Police on 999
24 hour Domestic Abuse Freephone helpline: 0808 800 0340 (a central number for advice and access to local domestic abuse services)
Men's Advice Line: 0808 801 0327
Rape Crisis: 0115 941 0440
ISAS (Incest and Sexual Abuse Survivors): 01636 610 313