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RBC update on Tollerton Airfield planning applications

Last updated: 11/3/2025

Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has provided an update on its position with current planning applications that cover Tollerton Airfield.

An RBC spokesperson said: “The land east of Gamston and north of Tollerton was allocated in the 2014 Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1 to meet housing targets. It could deliver 4,000 homes, employment land, open space, schools, a local centre and other infrastructure.

“The Tollerton Airfield is within this allocation in the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan which will be out for public consultation on 12 March. The Council is also preparing a masterplan (Supplementary Planning Document) for this site, which the public will have an opportunity to comment on during the consultation later this year.

“We have received two planning applications, which have been through a consultation period with residents and statutory consultees but have not yet been determined; the Council have committed to putting the masterplan in place first, which will detail the future design and infrastructure for the development.

“The decision to close Tollerton airport is a private matter with the landowner, which is outside of the control and remit of Rushcliffe Borough Council, however, we understand the impact this has had on the businesses affected and can offer support to them through our Economic Growth team.”