Rushcliffe Oaks gains international recognition with South Korean Government visit
Last updated: 22/7/2024
Rushcliffe Oaks crematorium received international recognition recently as over 30 delegates from The Ministry of Health and Welfare in South Korea visited the site to learn more about its green operations and peaceful setting.
The delegation was made up of civil servants relating to the field of welfare for the elderly and funeral traditions in the country.
They visited the site as part of their wider exploration of crematoriums in Europe with Rushcliffe Oaks, operated by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC), being selected as one of four UK based locations.
The group were taken on a tour of the facilities to look at its technologies and ethos, with RBC Leader Cllr Neil Clarke, Rushcliffe Oaks Manager Rhonda Churchill and RBC’s Director Development and Economic Growth Leanne Ashmore offering key insights into its creation and success to date.
The trip was a key information gathering exercise for the Ministry as it considers the future of funerals in South Korea and the potential shift away from burials to cremations, a significant culture change facing their country.
A key aim for the visiting party was to learn about the concept and environmentally friendly technologies used at Rushcliffe Oaks and to see first-hand how a crematorium can be integrated into local communities, helping to remove the taboo.
Cllr Clarke said: “This was a most productive and engaging visit and were very pleased to offer our colleagues in local government in South Korea the opportunity to find out more about how Rushcliffe Oaks has embraced some of the latest technologies in this sector.
“It’s testament to The Oaks’ reputation that it has made such an impact in such a short space of time since opening last year that we can assist international studies into the development and practices of crematoriums.
“The decision to select our crematorium highlights the standout environmentally conscious facilities that are used. It has been matched by the excellent work of the team to create a place to honour the memory of loved ones that has received such positive feedback when families can be facing the most difficult of times.”