Rushcliffe to build on excellent findings from peer challenge
Last updated: 11/4/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is set to build on excellent findings from a Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge which took place in January this year.
The exercise saw Councillors and officers from other authorities join forces to review RBC and highlight areas of good practice, whilst identifying areas for improvement, and ongoing support.
The Corporate Peer Challenge team took part in 50 meetings, finding out more from more than 105 people including a range of Council staff together with Councillors and external stakeholders across four days.
It saw the peer group praise the Council for its great services, excellent leadership, important role at community level, strong performance management at service levels, strong communications and exceptional partnership work.
The group also highlighted RBC’s robust current financial position, debt-free status, significant capital investment, robust process for financial planning and investment in major projects and influence at a local and regional level.
RBC’s agenda for the environment was also cited positively with its proactive, positive role managing local environment and climate ambitions.
Yesterday (Tuesday April 9) RBC’s Cabinet approved a new action plan that puts into practice a number of the recommendations put forward by the team to ensure it continues to deliver the best possible service for residents.
RBC Chief Executive Katherine Marriott said: “We are delighted with the excellent findings of the peer group from their visit in January that reflect positively on the Council and the Borough and we thank them for their valued insight.
“They praised our varied, dedicated work as a clear contributing factor for the Borough being a great place to live.
“We remain open to recommendations and learning, particularly from experienced peers and the LGA for the best interests of residents and the Borough and we will continue to review our action plan to further provide great services to our residents.”