Rushcliffe to further assess Biodiversity Net Gains
Last updated: 17/10/2023
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is now further considering new strategies on how to monitor and assess biodiversity net gains (BNG), recovering nature and habitats for wildlife when land in the Borough is developed.
Its Cabinet meeting on October 10 discussed its strategic significance and where it can influence developers and other partners to greatly enhance the gains exploring up to 20% improvement at a local site, where another location has been allocated for development.
They include over 200 local wildlife sites across the Borough including Sharphill Wood, Rushcliffe Country Park and the Grantham Canal.
BNG is a method of contributing towards the recovery of nature whilst developing land, ensuring the habitat for wildlife improves to counter previous growth of buildings and infrastructure.
New strategies from the authority will now seek to ensure that environments and their overall biodiversity are improved compared with before development takes place in line with national legislation arriving in January as part of the Environment Act 2021.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Cllr Roger Upton said: “This is a really important part of our environmental priority to gain further insight into where we can influence developers to ensure habitats and wildlife can thrive further following new developments being built.
“The protection of the natural environment when developing in Rushcliffe is essential and these measures can play a vital role in effective delivery of our environmental goals whilst achieving the biodiversity net gain we and Government are seeking.”