Seating and street furniture upgrades for Central Avenue starting soon
Last updated: 24/3/2025
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is working with Nottinghamshire County Council on plans to invest some of RBC’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) allocation to upgrade seating, planters and street furniture on West Bridgford’s Central Avenue.
Work will commence on site on March 26 and the first phase of work will take around two weeks to complete. Disruption for pedestrians, cyclists and local businesses will be kept to a minimum while work is taking place. There are no planned road or footpath closures.
This first phase of improvement work will see the removal of some railings, new cycle stands and bins installed in the area.
A further phase of work due to take place in April will include the relocation and replacement of benches on Central Avenue as well as the creation of a new seating and welcome area adjacent to the 200 degrees coffee shop in the town.
RBC’s Deputy Leader Cllr Abby Brennan said: “It is great to see this project now happening which will result in visible improvements in West Bridgford town centre.
“Making small improvements like this in our town and village centres can have a big impact and we hope it will encourage more people to visit and spend time in West Bridgford.
“We are committed to supporting Rushcliffe retail areas and the businesses within them, this project is just one initiative to deliver on this commitment.”