Survey findings revealed on Bingham town centre car parking
Last updated: 7/2/2024
Survey findings from a consultation on parking in Bingham Town Centre have now been revealed.
The exercise co-ordinated by Bingham Car Parking Strategy Group collected up to date and in-depth information on the topic with over 1,500 online responses in November last year, complemented by three days of on-site surveys, with the group increasing the scope of the project to gain this extra data.
Key findings included:
- 94% of car park users indicated that they were able to park in the first car park they tried
- Shopping is the most popular trip purpose for car park users
- Park and ride represents a small proportion of trip purpose for users at less than 5%
- Over 90% users stay in the car parks for two hours or less, with around a third staying for less than 30 minutes at Newgate Street and around 50% at Needham Street.
- 29% of respondents to the in person surveys were from residents who use car parks and reside in the town
- Length of stay increases considerably on-street.
- Identification of car park peak times usage around 9.30am-10am and 2.30pm-3.30pm
The Strategy Group met again recently to consider the findings and next steps on the data with representatives from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC), Bingham Town Council (BTC) and Nottinghamshire County Council.
Group members include RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis, Ward Members for Bingham, Mayor Cllr Rowan Bird and Cllr Norman Mees from BTC and RBC Leader and Nottinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment Cllr Neil Clarke.
Cllr Clarke said: “Thank you to all those who took the time to complete the surveys, they are providing really valuable information for the group to consider. It has now begun looking in more detail at changes which can be made by both the Borough and County Councils.
“So far changes are being considered aimed at freeing up parking in the centre for short stay users such as shoppers and health centre visitors. It’s vital we also continue to review how we can encourage active travel to the town centre.”
These changes may include:
- How spare capacity at the Bingham Arena car park could best be used to accommodate longer stays such as town centre workers.
- What changes can be made to the length of parking stay times around the Market Place
- How restrictions at Needham and Newgate Street car parks can be adjusted.
Cllr Clarke added: “As a thriving and growing town, it is important that we explore all options available to us to help improve parking in the town centre to ensure those who want to can access services and get to work in Bingham.
“The group will be meeting again in late February to review progress on changes being considered.”
The survey focused on better understanding who is parking in Bingham, where they are coming from, how long they are parking for and for what reasons such as work, shopping or using the health centre.
It also sought to understand what would encourage visitors to the town to use alternative transport methods to their own personal vehicles.
Three day-long additional in-person surveys took place with local businesses being contacted directly for their thoughts.
The Mayor of Bingham, Cllr Rowan Bird said: “Thank you to the residents and visitors to the Town that have taken part in the recent surveys.
“We now have a clearer picture of how the parking is being used in Bingham and we will now look to support changes that will benefit the Town residents and businesses.”
Cllr Inglis said: “The data gives us good insight to go forward and look at changes that can make positive impacts on people who park in the town centre.
“As the town’s population grows, it’s ever more important we ensure people can access the town centre’s services and great businesses.
“The data is also valuable for identifying the peak times the car parks are used and that we can focus on how if possible we try and improve capacity at these times.”