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The bear cheek! £400 fine for fly-tipping teddy and household waste in Gamston

Last updated: 9/10/2024 A large teddy bear and other waste items dumped on a floor

A resident has been issued with £400 fine after fly-tipping a large teddy bear and other non-recyclable waste items next to a bring bank recycling centre.

The incident was observed by a member of the public at a supermarket in Gamston who made a note of the registration number of the vehicle involved and reported it to the police and Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC).

After enquires the owner of the vehicle was identified and the individual from New Basford, in Nottingham has now paid the penalty notice issued.

The incident highlights RBC’s ongoing efforts to tackle illegal dumping and keep public spaces clean and safe.

The message is clear be responsible with your waste and dispose of it appropriately. This includes not leaving unwanted items or waste that cannot be recycled at a bring bank designed for specific items such as glass and tetra pak.

Ways of disposing of unwanted items include:

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We take a zero-tolerance approach to fly-tipping no matter how small the amount may be, and in this case, the individual had abandoned a large teddy bear and other unwanted items, creating an eyesore and attracting potential further dumping.

“We’re pleased our Neighbourhood Officers were able to track down the offender and issue them with a fixed penalty notice of £400 which has now been paid.

“It’s really important we prevent these incidents from happening to protect public areas and keep them clean, safe and accessible to all residents.

“If you are using a recycling facility, you cannot leave unwanted items or waste that cannot be recycled at the site.

“People need to understand they are committing an offence by doing so and creating a mess and cost to those that maintain the facility.

“Prosecutions and fines will always follow where evidence leads back to those who have illegally dumped items.”

For further information please contact RBC or find out more at or on central government’s website on waste duty of care.