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Emerging Local Plan

Rushcliffe Borough Council is preparing the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan with Broxtowe Borough and Nottingham City Councils to help guide future development, including new housing, across our combined areas to 2041. The Strategic Plan will replace the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy which was adopted in 2014. 

Publication Draft Consultation 

We have published the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Publication Draft. This is the full draft version of the Strategic Plan which the Councils would like to adopt as part of their Local Plans. The consultation on the draft Strategic Plan is open until 5pm on Friday 25 April 2025 to allow representations to be made by anyone on its draft policies and proposals.

Further details on the consultation, including how to view the draft Strategic Plan and how to submit representations are available on the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership website.

Next steps 

Following the end of the consultation period, the publication draft Strategic Plan, supporting documents and all representations received will be submitted for independent examination by a Planning Inspector. If the Planning Inspector concludes that the Strategic Plan is acceptable, the Councils would then be able to adopt it as part of their respective Local Plans.

Previous stage: Publication Draft November 2024 

In November 2024 there was a consultation on the Publication Draft of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan. Since this consultation was undertaken, an updated National Planning Policy Framework has been published and Gedling Borough Council has decided to withdraw from the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan. Broxtowe Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils are continuing work on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan, and the November 2024 publication draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan has been withdrawn. 

Previous stage: Preferred Approach 

A Preferred Approach was published in December 2022 and consultation was carried out by Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils. The consultation closed on 14 February 2023. The Preferred Approach focussed on the amount and distribution of housing and employment development and the identification of strategic sites in the area to 2038.

An additional consultation was held by Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils on the Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach in September 2023. The consultation closed on 7 November 2023. 

Further information on the Preferred Approach and the Distribution and Logistics Preferred Approach can be viewed on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan website.

The consultation comments received during the two consultations have been processed and a Statement of Consultation has been published. The Statement sets out the details of publicity and consultation undertaken to prepare and inform the Publication Draft of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan. 

Previous stage: Growth Options consultation

In July 2020 and February 2021, Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils carried out a public consultation on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Growth Options.

The main studies and other evidence base related documents which support preparation of the Strategic Plan are available on the Greater Nottingham Plan website

Register for future consultations

Broxtowe Borough, Gedling Borough, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe Borough Councils have a joint consultation database.

If you would like to receive notifications regarding future consultations, please register online.