Planning Forms and Fees
Current planning fees
The current Scale of fees – planning applications came into effect on Wednesday 6 December 2023.
The Government has recently laid a draft statutory instrument before parliament that, once made, will increase a wide range of planning application fees in England and are planned to take effect on 1 April 2025. The full details of the proposed fees are available to view on the Planning Portal. Any planning application which remains invalid or has been submitted as invalid prior to 1 April 2025 will require the additional fee to be paid to make the application valid. Please refer to our Local Scheme of Validation to ensure that applications are submitted as valid.
Applications can be made via Planning Portal.
Alternatively, application forms and documents can be submitted to
The list below gives links to the most frequently used national planning application forms.
The full range of application forms for all types of application are available to download from the Planning Portal.
Forms to download
- Householder Application for works or extension to a dwelling
- Householder Application for works or extension to a dwelling - guidance notes
- Outline Planning Permission with SOME matters reserved
- Outline Planning Permission with SOME matters reserved - guidance notes
- Outline Planning Permission with ALL matters reserved
- Outline Planning Permission with ALL matters reserved - guidance notes
- Planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area
- Planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area - guidance notes
- Listed Building Consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building
- Listed Building Consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building - guidance notes
- Lawful Development Certificate for an EXISTING use or operation or activity
- Lawful Development Certificate for an EXISTING use or operation or activity - guidance notes
- Lawful Development Certificate for a PROPOSED use or development
- Lawful Development Certificate for a PROPOSED use or development - guidance notes
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – proposed building
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – proposed building - guidance notes
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – proposed road
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – proposed road - guidance notes
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – excavation
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – excavation - guidance notes
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – proposed fish tank
- Prior notification of proposed agricultural or forestry development – proposed fish tank - guidance notes
- Prior notification of proposed demolition
- Prior notification of proposed demolition - guidance notes
- Approval of Reserved Matters following outline approval
- Approval of Reserved Matters following outline approval - guidance notes
- Removal or Variation of a Condition following grant of planning permission
- Removal or Variation of a Condition following grant of planning permission - guidance notes
- Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order and works to trees in Conservation Areas
- Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order and works to trees in Conservation Areas - guidance notes
- Prior approval for change of use under class Q of the General Permitted Development Order
- Prior approval for change of use under class Q of the General Permitted Development Order - Guidance notes
Related documents
- Householder Enquiry Form
- Pre-Application Advice Form
- Scale of fees – planning applications
- Scale of fees – pre-application advice
- Local Scheme of Validation
- Local Scheme of Validation
- Rushcliffe Residential Design Guide
- Information on Section 106 / development requirements
- Monitoring charges for section 106 agreement
- Commuted Sum Guidance Note (affordable housing)
- Rushcliffe Corporate Enforcement Policy
Useful links
- Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- Planning Portal
- Interactive house
- Do I need permission
- Planning Committee
- Planning Inspectorate