Planning Application Process
The processing of a planning application involves several stages:
- A check is carried out to ensure the forms are properly completed, plans have been included and clearly show what is proposed, the owner and/or leaseholder of the property (if not the applicant) has been notified, a design and access statement has been submitted (where necessary) and the correct fee has been paid.
- We consult with people according to our Statement of Community Involvement. In general we inform people who might be affected, which usually includes anyone who shares a boundary with the application site.
- Advertisements are placed in newspapers or notices are put up in appropriate places, if necessary - see link above.
- We may consult with other bodies and statutory consultees e.g. the Highways Authority, Natural England, Historic England, depending on the type of application.
- One of our planning officers will visit the site.
- If any major changes happen after this visit, further consultations may be carried out.
- The application will then be decided as a delegated decision or by the Borough Council’s Planning Committee in accordance with the Scheme of Delegations. If an application is considered by Committee, anyone can attend. If you wish to have your say at a Planning Committee, please read the Public Speaking Protocol, and register your interest with our Constitutional Services Team at or phone 0115 9148 511.
- A decision notice is sent to the applicant (or agent) and anyone who commented on the application will be notified of the decision.
- Anyone can ask the Borough Council for more information on a proposal, and anyone can comment on a planning application whether or not they have received one of our consultation letters. Due to the volume of comments received by the Borough Council our planning officers are not able to respond to all letters individually, although we will always acknowledge receipt of your comments where you have provided us with an address to do so.
- Progress of current applications can be tracked online: Planning Online website.
Related documents
- Householder Enquiry Form
- Pre-Application Advice Form
- Scale of fees – planning applications
- Scale of fees – pre-application advice
- Local Scheme of Validation
- Local Scheme of Validation
- Rushcliffe Residential Design Guide
- Information on Section 106 / development requirements
- Monitoring charges for section 106 agreement
- Commuted Sum Guidance Note (affordable housing)
- Rushcliffe Corporate Enforcement Policy
Useful links
- Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- Planning Portal
- Interactive house
- Do I need permission
- Planning Committee
- Planning Inspectorate