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Garden Waste Collection

2025/26 scheme now open 

Look out for your renewal letter or email which should arrive from Monday February 24 onwards. 

Subscribe to the scheme.


Welcome to our garden waste service where we help take the stress out of the gardening by collecting green bins direct from your property! 


Frequently asked questions

Answers to the commonly asked questions about the service.

Can I have more than one bin?

Yes, the cost of the first bin is £47 and each subsequent bin will cost you £37 per year. You can have a maximum of 5 as long as these are for your own property. Please complete the garden waste collection form to order extra bins. You can add up to four additional bins.

If I register for the scheme half way through the year, do I get a discount?

No, the charge is per the financial year (1 April to 31 March) regardless of when you join the scheme.

Do I have to join? 

No, the service is entirely optional. If you do not join the scheme, the Council will not collect your garden waste if it is left out for collection. Please notify us and we will arrange to collect your garden waste bin.

Existing customers: If you are already a member of the scheme (i.e. you already have your garden waste collected) you should have been contacted regarding payment for the upcoming year - if you have not received a notice you can still renew via the online form.

New customers: New customers can apply to join the garden waste scheme from the end of February 2025.

Why do garden waste collections stop over Christmas?

We empty garden waste bins every other week except for a short period over Christmas and New Year. This is due to operational reasons and a lack of customer demand over the holiday period.

What happens if I move house within the same council area – do I pay again? Does my bin go with me? Do I get a discount or money back if I leave the Borough?

If you move to another address in our collection area and you still want your garden waste collected please contact us to transfer the service to your new address and then take your bin(s) with you. If you move out of our collection area or stop using the service for any reason, we will not give a refund.

How will you know who has paid?

Residents that have paid for their garden waste bin will be issued with an individual sticker which they will stick onto the rear of the bin. The Council will keep records of who has paid and will only be collecting bins from those homes that are displaying the current sticker.

If your bin is missed please notify us as soon as possible so we can return for it. We will not give a refund for missing bin(s) or being unable to collect a bin(s).

What if I live in a flat and have a shared garden?

We are happy to continue providing a garden waste collection service for flats. Please contact us if you would like advice on how to go about organising garden waste collection for a multi-occupancy property.

My garden waste bin is damaged – can I have a new one?

Yes, please complete the damaged bin form and we will arrange for a new one to be delivered to you.

I would like a compost bin instead, do you sell them?

If you want to give composting a try it couldn’t be easier as residents can buy reduced price composters through Getcomposting. These composters are a great alternative for residents who tend to produce less garden waste.

What do I do with my garden waste if I don’t want to pay for the service?

We hope you feel that the charge is good value compared to the hassle of going to the tip. However, if you do not want to be in the scheme you will need to make your own arrangements to dispose of garden waste by either home composting it, or taking your garden rubbish to one of the household waste recycling centres.

If I don’t want the garden waste collection service, can I put my garden waste in my grey bin? 

Yes you can, but we would discourage this – your grey bin would soon fill up and you wouldn’t have room for your household waste. It’s also better for the environment to compost this waste. For an alternative to having your green waste collected, you might want to try home composting instead.

If I don’t want my green bin will you remove it?

Yes, we will remove garden bins you no longer use. Please use the Remove Bin form.

I am on benefits - do I still have to pay? Are there any concessions?

As the cost covers the collection costs, there are no concessionary rates.

Will this scheme apply to village halls, community centres, churches and other such facilities?

Yes it will as the Council has adopted a no concessions approach.

Can my garden waste be collected from my door?

If you are eligible for assisted collections (because you have difficulties moving the waste), you will also receive assisted collections for garden waste. Complete the assisted collection form.  

Can I share a bin with my neighbour?

Neighbours who work together to provide a service to the community and need to share a bin, should contact us to discuss their requirements.

What’s to stop other people in the neighbourhood swapping my bin with theirs?

You will receive a sticker identifying that your bin is paid for and you can write your address onto this sticker - there is nothing we can do to stop residents moving bins around but we have not experienced any problems with this.

What if I'm renting and / or am not responsible for the garden where I live?

Please tell the person responsible for your garden about the charge. They can then make the choice about whether to pay to continue having the garden waste from your property collected.

When is my garden waste bin collected?

You can find your bin collection day online if you aren't sure when your collection day is. Please make sure the bin is out ready for collection by 7am.

What can be placed in the garden waste bin?

What can and cannot go into a green garden waste bin
Yes Please
No Thanks
Grass cuttings Plastic of any description
Hedge clippings Large quantities of soil
Twigs and small branches Bricks, gravel or rubble
Weeds with soil shaken off Any household waste
Flowers and plants Animal waste
Leaves and bark Any food waste (including windfall fruit)

No longer want the service?

Please email us or call us on 0115 981 9911.