bungalow 1 - - 1 All 2 6 4 12 2. Introduction Midlands Rural Housing (MRH) is one of the leading providers of rural housing services in the UK. MRH works with government organisations, dev...
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Showing results 191 to 200.
Solar Farm Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study
Updated 30/10/2024
Solar Farm Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study
Solar Farm Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study
6: Techniques and Criteria for Judging Capacity and Sensitivity, a discussion The Landscape Institute’s Infrastructure Technical Guidance Note 04/20 Natural England’s An Approach to Landscape Char...
Updated 10/01/2024
Costock housing needs assessment.
Context 6. Respondents' Details 6.1 Age Profile 6.2 Household Size and Mix 6.3 Tenure of all Respondents 6.4 Property Type 6.5 Residency 6.6 Migration 6.7 Timescales 6.8 Reasons for Moving 7. L...
Cropwell Bishop
Updated 10/01/2024
Cropwell Bishop
Cropwell Bishop housing needs assessment.
Context 6. Respondents' Details 6.1 Age Profile 6.2 Household Size and Mix 6.3 Tenure of all Respondents 6.4 Property Types 6.5 Residency 6.6 Migration 6.7 Timescales 7. Local Support for a Aff...
East Bridgford
Updated 10/01/2024
East Bridgford
East Bridgford housing needs assessment.
Context 6. Respondents' Details 6.1 Age Profile 6.2 Household Size and Mix 6.3 Tenure of all Respondents 6.4 Property Type 6.5 Migration 7. Sustainability Issues 8. Local Support for a Small Ho...
Updated 10/01/2024
Gotham housing needs assessment.
Context 6. Respondents' Details 6.1 Age Profile 6.2 Household Size and Mix 6.3 Tenure of all Respondents 6.4 Property Types 6.5 Residency 6.6 Migration 6.7 Timescales 7. Local Support for a Aff...
The Nature of Rushcliffe 2021
Updated 31/07/2024
The Nature of Rushcliffe 2021
The Nature of Rushcliffe 2021 - annual report published in 2022
106 ha`s open space, although this is driven by loss of land to house building. In addition to the nature reserves and wildlife friendly sites there are a range of projects/activities locally - so...
Willoughby on the Wolds
Updated 10/01/2024
Willoughby on the Wolds
Willoughby on the Wolds housing needs survey.
Context 6. Respondents' Details 6.1 Age Profile 6.2 Household Size and Mix 6.3 Tenure of all Respondents 6.4 Property Type 6.5 Ethnicity 6.6 Migration 7. Sustainability Issues 8. Local Support...
Updated 14/02/2025
Information about the different types of referendums that can take place.
2016 there was a UK wide referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Union. The Rushcliffe result can be viewed on the EU Referendum page. Mayoral referendums The Local Government...
Keyworth Neighbourhood Plan
Updated 19/02/2024
Keyworth Neighbourhood Plan
Keyworth Neighbourhood Plan
(6), in that the determination of planning applications ‘must be made in accordance with the Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise’. 1.4 Neighbourhood Development Plans must be in...