Latest news from Streetwise
Showcasing our Streetwise Grounds Maintenance Team for #GroundsWeek
Streetwise Tree Team complete epicormic programme
Streetwise reach out to schools on recycling
Our Streetwise Partnership and Business Support Coordinator Rebecca Sanderson and our Streetwise Apprentice Tech Business Support Officer Evelyn Shaw have been working on their ‘don’t be a litter bug, be a litter hero’ campaign in recent months.
The project has seen them visit 23 different schools so far across the Borough to deliver talks about littering, recycling and looking after the environment, whilst also setting the children an artwork competition for the chance to name the new road sweeper at Streetwise.
Rebecca said: “I was looking into different ways we could educate the community on the work done by Streetwise and we decided launch a project where we go into schools to promote our litter picking service, voluntary litter picking groups and recycling.
“The aim of educating the children on basics such as what rubbish goes in which bin through engaging content and activities before setting up a competition for them to take part in where they can put reduce, recycle, reuse into practice.
“We set them all the task of making a creative piece of artwork using litter and recyclable items or doing a drawing around the theme of being a litter hero, then at a later date we return to the school to award prizes for first, second and third, with the winner from each school advancing to the overall final with all the winners from across the Borough."
All schools will have been visited by the end of October ahead of a presentation event which will be hosted at Rushcliffe Arena.
The project will continue in the new year with us then going into senior schools to talk to them about anti-social behaviour and graffiti, as well as attending local youth services, Scouts and Girl Guides to talk about litter picking.
Nine-year-old Corrine visits our Streetwise Depot
Our Streetwise team invited 9-year-old Corrine to the Streetwise Depot in Bingham for a tour of the site for her birthday!
Corrine is passionate about the environment was excited to meet all the different team members and enjoyed a ride on the road sweeper truck!
She loves helping to keep the streets of the Borough clean and was over the moon to receive a special golden litter picker during her visit.
Streetwise begin latest chewing gum removal campaign!
A grant from the Chewing Gum Task Force, administered by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, is helping the team clean up gum and reduce gum littering across the Borough.
They are continuing plans to remove the gum that blights local streets after receiving a further £27,500 grant to tackle the issue.
The funding has enabled the Council’s Streetwise team to extend their work to prevent the issue, purchasing a specialist hot water pressure washer unit that will speedily remove chewing gum.
Streetwise prepare football pitches for upcoming season!
The new football season arrived in August and so did the team's freshly cut, marked and beautiful grass pitches at Gresham Sports Park and Alford Road in West Bridgford.
The teams have been hard at work in recent weeks to ensure the pitches are ready for the upcoming football season.
Our Streetwise Land Management Team Leader Magdalena Szypkowska said: "They are a fantastic team who work really well together and have done a very good job!"
You can book a pitch online via our booking website .
Streetwise attend Lark in the Park
In August Streetwise were present at the ever popular Lark in the Park event in West Bridgford!
Whilst our Street Scene team assisted with stall set ups and kept on top of litter and bins throughout the day, we were also on hand to promote our services including community litter picking stations which proved really popular.
However the main attraction was the opportunity to climb into our tractor – Big Red as we call it, used by our teams to cut a variety of grass areas across Rushcliffe.
Congratulations to Isabella who won our colouring competition! We loved the day and we hope everyone loved being in the cab!
Streetwise support Proms in the Park
Our Streetwise Team were busy at our Proms in the Park event, as the team ensured all litter and bins were frequently collected to keep the park clean and event-goers happy!
Their extensive efforts caught the eye of residents in attendance with many of them highlighting just how impressed they had been all day by the nonstop work of the team.
One resident said: "I would like to say how extremely hardworking the Streetwise Team were all day long, we were sat close to one of the many litter bins dotted around the park and they never stopped!
"They were constantly emptying the bins and picking up any dropped litter, what a wonderful, hard working and dedicated team you have, well done Rushcliffe Borough Council."
Two-minute Litter Picking station installed in Radcliffe On Trent
A public litter-picking station which allows residents to safely, quickly and cleanly dispose of discarded litter has been installed as the first of its kind in Rushcliffe.
The facility in the grounds of The Grange in Radcliffe on Trent has been introduced by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) as part of the national #2minutelitterpick campaign which aims to enable groups and individuals to make simple changes that contribute to the wellbeing of themselves and the planet.
The campaign, which was founded in 2013, was introduced by The Two Minute Foundation and focuses on the use of direct action to empower, educate, inspire community litter pickers who want to make a difference over and above the authority’s regular litter picks across the Borough.
The station consists of litter pickers, reusable waste bags and hand sanitiser alongside safety instructions and the reusable design allows the pickers and bags to be returned to the facility for others to use.
The Council’s Streetwise team are overseeing the stations which will be further rolled out in due course and Radcliffe on Trent Parish Council were pleased to support the first station, with the aim of helping people to keep the village even cleaner.
Litter picking of major borough road junctions
This week Streetwise worked in partnership with Via to complete litter picking and road sweeping at 2 main junctions in the borough – Widmerpool and Gamston.
Via were responsible for the temporary road closure and grass cutting whilst Streetwise took the opportunity to litter pick and mechanically sweep the roads and central reservations. Without the road closures in place, these areas are difficult to access.
A huge thank you to Via, and the Streetwise team.
'No Mow’ summer pollinator sites return!
We've installed a number of ‘No Mow’ areas across the Borough to act as summer pollinator sites and encourage wildlife and habitats to thrive even further.
It follows on from the success of the scheme over the last three years and complements the national ‘No Mow’ in May campaign.
There are now over 35 sites across the Borough from May to September this year, covering over three hectares.
Our Streetwise team are now not mowing selected areas across Rushcliffe to help create natural corridors to support and enhance local wildlife.
This sustainable management of the open spaces helps to not only mitigate the impact of climate change but supports our Carbon Clever initiative and commitment to become carbon neutral by 2030.