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Rushcliffe Reports Spring 2025

Rushcliffe Reports Spring 2025

The Spring 2025 magazine is also available to read as a pdf.



Council News

Lex Leisure




UKSPF Funding

Economic Growth


Wildlife Day






Council News

Leader's update

Welcome to your spring edition of Rushcliffe Reports.

We’re mindful inflation and cost-of-living challenges continue which is why we’re pleased we again have the lowest Council Tax in Nottinghamshire for the forthcoming financial year. This is also in the lowest 25% of Councils nationally, for the Rushcliffe part of the bill.

We are debt free and the only Council in Nottinghamshire that is not incurring the costs of expensive borrowing with careful financial management one of the cornerstones of how we can deliver great services to you year after year.

It means for example more investment in our local parks and play facilities, upgrading Cotgrave and Keyworth leisure centres this year and £27m planned in the next five years whilst still achieving net zero carbon as part of our environmental priorities.

You may have read about Local Government Reorganisation in recent months and we are working with fellow councils in Nottingham
and Nottinghamshire on the next steps.

Leaders of all authorities have agreed that all options should be on the table with only those proposals that improve the quality of services for people and improve the financial sustainability of Councils to be taken forward.

Further work will be undertaken before Councillors consider proposals for reorganisation to submit to Government in the Autumn.

As we near the warmer spring weather don’t forget to look ahead to another brilliant events programme for 2025 – see page 21.

We have also recently welcomed Adam Hill as our new Chief Executive who has joined us from the same role at Mansfield District Council.

I’m confident his energy and enthusiasm will continue promoting the Borough as a great place to live, work and play, building on the
work of outgoing CEO Kath Marriott. He will continue to engage with partners and encourage further economic growth within the Borough.

Cllr Neil Clarke MBE
Leader of The Council

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Debt free, lowest council tax in Notts...

Our proposed budget for the next 12 months continues to deliver both the lowest council tax in Nottinghamshire for the Rushcliffe part of the bill, investment in our services and we remain one of the few Councils nationally to be debt free.

A Band D property is set to increase just £3.89 for the 12 months from April 2025 or 2.46%. Despite a backdrop of little increase in Government grants and recent high levels of inflation, we continue to balance the books.

Despite ongoing financial pressures, the Council is able to continue to support growth in the borough, developing and enhancing equipment and facilities with £27m investment planned in the next five years and a focus on achieving net zero carbon as part of our environmental priorities.

Our Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance Cllr Davinder Virdi said: “RBC faces the same risks as any other councils but is fortunate to be in a relatively stable financial position going into the next five year budget cycle.

“Officers and Councillors continue to prioritise the needs of the local community to identify efficiencies ensuring we can continue to deliver vital services whilst keeping Council Tax the lowest in Nottinghamshire in a period of ongoing financial challenges for residents.

“We believe we have one of best financial positions of any Council in the country but remain realistic and not triumphalist, appreciative of the stark challenges many of our peers are facing and that we also share.

“We are not complacent and will continue to demonstrate sound financial management.

“We are heading into a period of uncertainty with the likelihood of both Local Government Reorganisation and government funding reforms around the corner. Despite this we aim to continue to deliver excellent services, maintaining service levels but also enhancing facilities for residents.”

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Garden waste collections

Renewals now open!

We’ll collect your garden waste saving you time, money and hassle.

  • No need for trips to the recycling centre
  • No need to mess up your car with bags of garden waste
  • No cleaning up afterwards

Visit the Garden Waste Collection page (

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The Neighbourhood Policing Team in Rushcliffe

By Insp Timothy Cuthbert | Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for Rushcliffe

“We’ve refreshed our local priorities for early 2025, with our team specifically focussing on;

  1. Drug Supply and Production
  2. ASB in West Bridgford
  3. Car Cruising and Road Safety

We’ve seen an increase in intelligence around cannabis production in recent months, so I’m keen for us to tackle that, along with following up enquiries on landlords who allow their premises to be used. On ASB, we’ve been working closely with Rushcliffe Borough Council to combat issues in the Bridgford Park, as well as continuing to support force-wide operations tackling Car Cruising.

Our new officers are nicely embedded in the teams in Rushcliffe now, and I’d encourage you all to sign up for Notts Alerts online where you can hear more about local engagement activity in your beat area, as well as feeding back on issues too. You can also follow our Facebook pages, namely ‘West Bridgford Police’ or ‘Rushcliffe South Police’ where you can see what we’ve been up to, or receive my monthly blog.

In December, I was pleased to accompany the PCC Gary Godden, along with representatives of MP James Naish, and Rushcliffe Borough Council on a walkabout in West Bridgford where we discussed local issues, as well as Rural Crime, and my desire to have additional training to enable us to be even more impactive in that area.

You may have seen our teams out and about conducting speed operations, as well as drink drive campaigns over Christmas and the New Year, both of which have been useful in locating and detaining those using the roads whilst impaired through alcohol or drugs. We’ve also been busy conducting search warrants, and targeting prolific shop theft offenders too, which has led to a drop in such offences in December.

Please do come along to any beat surgeries you see advertised, and please keep reporting crime and suspicious activity, as it’s the only way we can get on top of the issues which impact the people of Rushcliffe.

Take care.”

Inspector Timothy Cuthbert
Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for Rushcliffe

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We’re further investing in our play parks with refurbishments and more inclusive equipment

We’re excited to see further development at Bridgford Park, Bridgfield Park and West Park in West Bridgford this year which will welcome refurbishments and feature further inclusive play equipment.

It builds on our £175,000 investment in our play parks in 2024 providing new, modern and inclusive facilities for all children to enjoy, part funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Last year vital refurbishments took place at our play areas including the popular Rushcliffe Country Park in Ruddington, Boundary Road and Greythorn Park in West Bridgford and Adbolton Lane Playground in Lady Bay.

New inclusive equipment at the play areas included inclusive seesaws, wheelchair accessible roundabouts, pendulum pod swings, dynamic rope swings and more.

The investment follows the results of our survey where residents and parkgoers’ shared their views on what they want to see with features at their local parks.

A further consultation on play parks took place last year that has assisted with the development of our Play Strategy which will help to shape further investment in community facilities.

Our Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing, ICT & Member Development Cllr Jonathan Wheeler said: “We’re proud to invest in our play parks and introduce further accessible equipment such as the wheelchair-friendly roundabouts and inclusive seesaws that are important to help ensure all children regardless of their abilities, can enjoy our play parks.

“Our investment in community play facilities such as these demonstrate our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for our residents and visitors and will ensure our play parks will continue to be fantastic for all families to enjoy.”

Works have been completed by playground equipment supplier Proludic Ltd based in Bunny, who have designed the updated features.

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Simpler recycling coming soon including glass collected at the kerbside

By March 2026 we and all local councils in Nottinghamshire will have a kerbside collection in place for your glass to be recycled, collecting it every six weeks in a new separate wheeled bin as we join the national simpler recycling roll out.

This means you will receive a new 180 litre grey bin with a purple lid later this year, slightly slimmer than your existing grey and blue bins. Collection dates for the new bin will be detailed on the new collection calendar we distribute each year at the end of November. However our aim will be to collect on same day as your grey wheeled bin but on a six weekly cycle.

The service could start as early as December 2025 and look out for more updates in this magazine, across our channels and online at later this year. Existing bring bank sites for glass and tetra pak items will continue until further notice.

Another important change with simpler recycling will be from March 2026 when an expanded range of materials can also be placed in your blue bin including cans, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, tetra pak, and foil. More information will be outlined soon as part of a countywide communication campaign. In 2027 we also hope to introduce a new collection service for soft plastics such as plastic bags and clingfilm but until then please do not place these in your blue bin.

Our current and extensive bring bank sites for glass collect around 2,500 tonnes each year, which is colour separated throughout
the collection and disposal process, which allows the glass to then be remanufactured into new glass bottles and jars.

The great news is that under this new service the glass collected will be mixed as there have been recent and significant improvements in separation technology, which now allows glass to be colour sorted at the reprocessor.

Importantly, just like with bring bank recycling, this will help to ensure that the glass collected from this new service will continue to be made into new glass jars and items.

A weekly kerbside food waste collection service is also set to be introduced in October 2027 by all district and borough Councils in Nottinghamshire, however until then there is still the opportunity to recycle your waste food by using home wormeries and other methods.

The simpler recycling changes are all part of central government plans announced in 2023 which intends to ensure all homes in England recycle the same materials at the kerbside outside your home.

Further work will be undertaken on the best collection options for communal bin stores and flat complexes where different receptacles for glass and other recyclables may be more appropriate.

Our Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We’re pleased glass will be collected from the kerbside from at least March 2026.

“A consistent Notts wide waste system will mean we retain the existing single mixed blue recycling bin for most of your recyclables. The separation of glass into the new bin is important as in addition to being a valuable resource, it also means it can be kept separate and not contaminate paper and cardboard.

“Thank you for helping Rushcliffe already have the highest recycling rate in the County of nearly 50% each year. These new changes should provide a further opportunity for you to help us reach even closer to 60% by the time food waste collections are launched.”

Most businesses will be expected to recycle glass and a range of wider materials in their own trade waste collections from March 31 this year. Business owners can find out more on the business waste page (

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You need photo ID to vote at this May’s elections

Residents will be heading to the polls on Thursday May 1 to take part in County Council elections. At these elections you will need to bring photo ID to be able to vote at a polling station. Those using a postal vote do not need to provide ID.

Which forms of ID can I use to vote at a polling station?

Accepted photo ID include:

  • Passport
  • Driving licence (including provisional license)
  • Blue badge
  • Certain concessionary travel cards
  • Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
  • Biometric Immigration document
  • Defence identity card or HM Armed Forces Veterans Card
  • Certain national identity cards

For more information on which forms of photo ID will be accepted, visit the Electoral Commission website or call their helpline on 0333 103 1928.

If you have a form of accepted ID that is out of date but still looks like you, you can still use it to vote.

What if I don’t have an accepted form of photo ID?

If you don’t already have an accepted form of photo ID, or you’re not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you, you can apply
for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC). You can apply for this online at GOV.UK Voter Authority Service

Alternatively, you can complete a paper application form and send this to our electoral services team. If you need any help applying or want to request a paper application form contact us by emailing or calling 0115 981 9911.

The deadline to apply for a VAC for use at these elections is 5pm on Wednesday April 23, but you should apply as soon as possible in case we need to check any details with you.

You need to be registered to vote before you can apply for the certificate.

How do I register to vote?

To vote in these elections, you must be registered to vote by 11.59pm on Tuesday April 11.

If you’ve never registered, have recently moved to a different address, or changed your name, register to vote online.

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Cotgrave and Keyworth leisure centres welcome over £5m refurb and energy efficiency investment

We’re investing over £5m in refurbishments and energy efficient improvements at Cotgrave Leisure Centre and Keyworth Leisure Centre with works set to be complete this year.

Works are under way at Cotgrave which are set to transform how its swimming pool and leisure features are heated.

A new low carbon air source heat pump unit, The Net Zero Pod will deliver an innovative and pioneering application of heat pump and green technology.

The new plant room will use electricity from renewable sources to efficiently draw heat from the air and transfer it into the swimming
pool and surrounding areas, resulting in 250% to 300% energy efficiency. 

New solar panels at the leisure centre will generate up to 55,000 kwh of electricity a year saving up to £25,000 on running costs, the equivalent to running power for 20 houses.

The leisure centre is also benefiting from £110,000 funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for refurbishments, which include:

  • A changing places toilet now in place enabling users with mobility challenges to change more easily
  • An improved toilet and reception layout
  • Widening corridors
  • An improved dedicated spin studio
  • Larger modern dance studio with improved lighting and sound systems
  • Updated and improved layout to the poolside changing rooms.

Works will commence at Keyworth this spring that will see refurbishment including improved configuration of the toilets and reception area, an enhanced gym and new changing cubicles, alongside essential roof repairs.

Our Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, ICT and Member Development Cllr Jonathan Wheeler said: “The decarbonisation project at Cotgrave is a great carbon clever example of how we are helping to reduce CO2 emissions and will go a long way towards achieving our environmental goals to operate as a carbon neutral Council by 2030.

“Our £5.2m investment at both sites will enhance the quality and sustainability of the facilities for the community for future generations.”

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Lex Leisure

Fantastic opportunities to keep your health and fitness on track this spring

Cotgrave Leisure Centre

The refurbishment at Cotgrave Leisure Centre is well under way and following the opening of the brand new group exercise studios in January, the next phases of redevelopment include a refurbished changing village, upgraded reception area and improved sports hall. The facilities look fantastic. To experience the centre please call us on 0115 989 2916 or pop down to visit.

Fitness Memberships including our new group exercise timetable are still available and places on our swimming lesson programme are still available. Don’t miss out! Visit the Cotgrave Leisure Centre website.

Swimming Lessons in Rushcliffe

We are proud to partner with Swim England to teach their Learn To Swim programme. The unique benefits our swimming lessons offer include:

  • FREE General Swimming outside of Lessons
  • FREE Swim Caps throughout the journey
  • Learn to Swim from 3 months up to adults
  • Home Portal to track and monitor swimmers progress
  • Access to the "My Learn to Swim app" a fun and engaging way to track awards
  • Passionate and Engaging Swimming Instructors
  • Fun and engaging lessons
  • 25m swimming pool to allow for swimmer progression and distance development.

We have availability and spaces across all of our centres - for more information on swimming lessons and which Centre is closest to you please visit us at

Children's Parties

We have a range of options for children's parties across all of our Leisure Centres. From X-Treme Air at Rushcliffe Arena to bouncy castle
parties at Bingham Arena or our pool inflatable parties there are options for all children’s age groups.


Edwalton Golf

Be sure to come and visit Edwalton Golf Centre now the warmer weather is on the way. A range of options are available including the Par 3, main course or driving range. The course is open for everyone and with a welcoming clubhouse it is the perfect way to enjoy a spring day.

Please call on 0115 923 475 for more information or visit: Glendale Golf - Edwalton Golf Centre

We are not just a golf course and are open for everyone!

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Great venues for your party, event, meeting or sports or exercise class!

We have a selection of great venues to hire where you can hold your party, event, meeting, sports or exercise class.

Bingham Jubilee Hall

Chapel Lane, Bingham Arena, NG13 8QX

The Hall is available for bookings all year round and is equipped with a stage, hightech audio visual equipment and a state of the art fully integrated kitchen.

With a maximum capacity of 300 and onsite free parking, it’s the ideal venue for celebratory events, charity and community events, theatre productions, parties and conferences.

To book call 01949 838628.

Rushcliffe Arena

Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG

A perfect venue for meetings, training and conferences. The rooms are fully furnished with Wi-Fi and technology for presentations, set out in a range of layouts for up to 100 people. Hot and cold drinks are available, refreshments can be provided by our partner Lex Leisure, with free on-site parking.

The perfect spot too for a community event if you live in Compton Acres or wider West Bridgford.

Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion

Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7JE

An attractive and spacious pavilion for exercise classes, this is also a favourite space for many local people to host celebrations or meetings.

Over 100 car park spaces mean there’s plenty to accommodate all guests and number 10 NCTX services pass the door, making it a great choice for parties, discos and community gatherings.

Gamston Community Hall

Ambleside, GamstonNG2 6PS

Handily located near the Morrisons supermarket, this is a multi-purpose facility, popular for indoor sports such as badminton, fitness classes, playgroups, children’s parties, community gatherings and educational classes.

For more details on these venues and our competitive prices or go to book any of our venues page, email or call 0115 914 8553.

Find out more on our venues on our YouTube channel

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Exciting works at West Park in West Bridgford for an even better venue

Exciting new changes are planned at West Park on Loughborough Road in West Bridgford.

The Cricket Ground’s art deco pavilion, created by local cricket philanthropist Sir Julien Cahn in the 1920s, will be receiving a full refurbishment this year.

Works undertaken will include measures to improve the building’s energy efficiency such as the installation of a new air source heat pump, insulation and windows as part of our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030. There will also be modernisation of the venue’s internal decoration.

The pavilion will reopen in the late summer or autumn this year providing a multifunctional space available to hire for meetings, parties and regular clubs and classes.

It will host WI-FI and upgraded AV equipment to meet the changing needs of our communities and the perfect place to hold your event.

To view the facilities offered at Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion visit our venues page.

Also at West Park, a five-lane cricket practice net facility will be opening for hire which has been made possible thanks to funding support from the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).

Tennis courts at both West Park and Bridgford Park will also be returning to our management this spring. To find out more about the new sports facilities on offer visit the sports pitches page.

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£200k boost for disabled facilities grants to help even more residents

We have given a boost of an extra £200,000 of further support for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) for residents that
could see more people with disabilities benefit from home adaptations which can promote independence and safety, 
including greater mobility to get around their home.

Our Corporate Overview Group approved the extra funding which will help residents make changes to their homes including installing ramps, handrails and widening doors, fitting stair lifts or floor lifts, level access showers, improving access to a garden or building an extension such as a downstairs bedroom or bathroom.

The possible new funding has been created from efficiencies elsewhere our in the budget and follows us writing to central government last year calling for an end the postcode lottery of the funding.

The Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Cllr Roger Upton has written to her as the Secretary of State for Housing,
Communities and Local Government.

The concerns were previously outlined in a letter lobbying previous Ministers on the issue of a fairer funding formula, highlighting the lack of resources for DFGs that can sometimes create delays in patients returning home from hospital.

RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance Cllr Davinder Virdi said: “We’re pleased the Council can offer this extra amount to the DFG budget from our own effective financial management and efficiencies.

“They could make a significant difference to some of our residents’ lives who may suffer from mobility or other issues. We know how
vital it is as many people as possible are supported with this help and to move freely and easily around their home.

“Even with this additional allocation the Council is aware of the rising demand and costs of disabled facilities schemes that means that fundamental change to the funding of DFGs via central government is required.

“Like many Councils, we continue to lobby central government hard on this matter to change the formula to enable us to access
enhanced funding as the current system is not sustainable, affordable or prudent.”

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Sports grants now available for our brilliant local elite athletes and sports clubs

We are again providing a range of sports grants for the Borough’s talented athletes and community sports clubs with a range of support this year.

The Elite Athletes grant is available to support 20 athletes with a grant of £300 aiming to alleviate some of the financial burden that competing at an elite level places upon individuals and their families, which can often be a barrier to achievement.

Priority will be given to those who are, or have the potential to compete at the Olympics, Paralympics or Commonwealth Games, and those who are in receipt of Universal Credit and/or are in receipt of free school meals. Athletes aged 14-25 are eligible to apply, and athletes competing in a disability sport, regardless of age.

A new Community Sports Club Workforce grant is also now available replacing our former Coach Scholarship Grant. This is to reflect the changing priorities of the National Governing Bodies of Sport and will continue to support clubs and the increasing demand for participation opportunities.

This could include supporting focusses on the wider workforce in coaching, officiating, grounds maintenance or safeguarding. Clubs will be required to produce a project plan which includes outlining beyond what the grant will fund and a club’s commitment to developing the workforce in the longer term.

Each year, two sports clubs will be funded £500 to support their workforce. £300 being paid up front, and the remaining £200 being
paid on completion of the project.

Our grants also include the FANS Scheme which provides a free 12-month gym and swim membership for athletes competing at national level. National is defined as someone who represents their country, a member of the national team in their chosen sport or is listed in the top ten of the national age group in their chosen sport.

For more information and to apply, please visit the sports grants page.

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UKSPF Funding

Over £100k of UKSPF support helps boost our high streets

We have allocated over £100,000 of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funding directly to local high street businesses in recent months to improve:

  • Shop frontages
  • Energy efficiency
  • Digital infrastructure
  • Accessibility provision

33 businesses have benefitted from the High Street grant initiative throughout the 2024/25 financial year, including Amie Davis of Addict Beauty in Ruddington.

She said: “Having your own business and managing your outgoings can be challenging, and sometimes prevents you from investing in the growth of the business.

“In this case, the Rushcliffe High Street grants have been amazing, helping with the building of my business and website. Without the 70% grant towards these costs, I wouldn't have been able to do the work which will enable me to grow.”

Meanwhile residents across the Borough, Broxtowe and Gedling looking for a career change or to learn new skills can explore employment and training opportunities in their area on a brand-new and free to access website.

The Start in South Nottinghamshire Employment and Skills Portal is also supported by UKSPF support and is jointly commissioned by the three local authority areas.

It has been set up to provide residents with a ‘go to’ destination to support their journey into education or employment. Residents
can visit the Start in South Nottinghamshire Employment and Skills portal.

There are also free CV and cover letter builder tools to help job seekers increase their chances of gaining employment, virtual work experience programmes, information on local economies and employers, and a job search tool.

The platform offers an opportunity for local employers and training providers to upload and list their learning and work opportunities
for free.

Any businesses or organisations interested in including their information on the website can email our Economic Growth Team at

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Community projects thrive thanks to brilliant UKSPF support

We have grant-funded 15 community projects from April 2024 to March 2025 making significant impacts for people and places across the Borough.

These include upgraded sports facilities, new playground equipment, improvements to village halls, tourist attractions and many more.

Recently we’ve seen:

  • three playgrounds re-open with new accessible play equipment.
  • Parish Councils add new equipment at Wharf Lane Recreation Ground in Radcliffe on Trent and Ambleside Play Park in Gamston, including improved paths and playground surfaces, improving access for people using wheelchairs and pushchairs.
  • East Bridgford Parish Council install a new playground, replacing equipment that had become unusable.
  • Three village halls supported on their projects to help improve their venues:
    • Colston Bassett installed solar panels to become more energy efficient and save on electricity costs.
    • Shelford Village Hall underwent a series of building and access improvements to ensure the building remains safe and accessible.
    • West Leake Village Hall received much-needed roof repairs, making the building cosy and comfortable for users.

All venues are now open and available for private hire which you can book through their websites.

  • New solar panels installed at a local theatre run by West Bridgford Dramatic Society and at Paxdien Guide Hall, West Bridgford South Trent Girlguiding installed a new kitchen and overnight facilities.
  • Bingham Town Sports Club receive support with the installation of solar panels which have enabled the club to pass on lower costs to all the clubs that use the facilities.
  • Nottingham Trent University supported with their Abbey Circus West Bridgford air raid shelter project. The site was closed and forgotten for decades – it’s now been fully restored to allow schoolchildren and history enthusiasts to experience what it was like to take shelter from bombs during World War II.

Find out more at on the UKSPF webpage.

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Economic Growth

We’ve launched our Economic Growth Strategy to continue to make Rushcliffe a great
place to live, work and visit

Business owners and residents can now view our Economic Growth Strategy setting out our plans for place shaping and what will continue to make Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit.

It highlights our vision to promote sustainable economic growth and regional opportunities, deliver a prosperous local economy and create a thriving place which retains the Borough’s unique local heritage and character.

The Strategy is supported by an action plan which sets out three priority themes which are Place and Experience, Investment and Infrastructure and Business Support, Growth and Skills and will be reviewed and updated ensuring we respond to the changing needs of the Borough’s economy.

To help develop the Strategy, we undertook extensive data gathering, consultation exercises and engagement activity including workshops and one to one discussions with a wide variety of stakeholders, business owners and residents.

Partners included local Councillors, Rushcliffe Business Partnership Steering Group, Nottinghamshire County Council, Rushcliffe Strategic Growth Board, Countryside and Land Association, Federation of Small Businesses and East Midlands Chamber to provide a good insight and a strong foundation of understanding of the Borough.

Our Deputy Leader Cllr Abby Brennan said: “We’re pleased to present our first Economic Growth Strategy which is an ambitious plan to promote the sustainable growth of our Borough.

“Economic Growth, to us, means many things, but fundamentally is about place shaping. Understanding what makes Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit and what we can do to protect and enhance that.

“This Strategy sets out the significant opportunity that Rushcliffe presents. With the right support and investment a lot can be achieved that will deliver benefits well beyond the Borough’s boundary.

“We are committed to working collaboratively with our partners and neighbours to achieve our vision.”

View the Strategy on our economic strategy webpage.

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Colour and fun at Lunar New Year celebrations and find out more on our forthcoming events!

Friends and families enjoyed our Lunar New Year Celebratory event sponsored by Barratt Homes in February.

It was the second successful event acknowledging the special time of year and attended by over 1,000 local residents at Bingham Arena, wowed by a special lion dance performance and themed activities throughout the day.

Visitors took part in Lunar New Year traditions including red banner painting and calligraphy, flower paper crafting and paper lantern making. They also found out more on a history of Kei Po traditional costumes and event goers hung wishes on a Wishing Tree whilst sampling Hong Kong style street food and bubble tea, part funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Our Deputy Leader Cllr Abby Brennan said: “Following a successful event last year, we were excited to see the return of our Lunar New Year celebrating the Year of the Snake.

“It was a fantastic fun day out with an array of free themed activities and the dancing performers were wonderful. Thank you to our partners Barratt Homes for continuing to support this event.”

We have more events coming your way this spring and summer. Look out for more details on how you can celebrate Victory in Europe(VE) Day and Victory in Japan(VJ) Day later this year on the webpage for the respective celebrations on May 8 and May 15.

Then we have our annual celebration of Armed Forces Day with Proms in the Park on Saturday June 28, look out for more updates on this and other events in our next Rushcliffe Reports in June and at

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Wildlife Day

Join Rushcliffe Country Park’s Wildlife Day this summer!

The Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park invite you to join their wildlife day later this year on Wednesday August 27 from 10am to 3pm!

It’s a wonderful chance to look for and identify different insects, butterflies, birds, plants, mammals and other wildlife that live in the park.

In the company of local wildlife experts, Park Rangers and the Friends group, the event is looking to add to their number of different species found in the park, which currently stands at an astonishing 1,857.

Species records from the group began in 1996, since then visitors and volunteers at various activities such as the National Heritage project (2006), BioBlitz (2010 and 2022), Wildlife Day (2024), moth trapping evenings, fungi forays, and specialist surveys in various fields, have added to the total. The total continues to increase as Rangers and volunteers find and recognise species new to the Park.

The Country Park was originally boggy grassland, which was drained and by the 1860s became fields containing two ponds, Little and Big Fowemer.

In 1940 the land was requisitioned and became the Ruddington Depot, a bomb making factory and ammunition store. In 1945 it was repurposed and became a site for selling Army surplus vehicles until 1983 when it was decommissioned.

After much debate it was decided to create a Country Park using 85 hectares of land. In 1989 all the buildings were razed and the repurposed rubble used as hardcore to recontour the landscape of the park, in the process Fowemer Hill rose seven metres, the ‘lake’ was dug, lined and filled with water, 140,000 trees planted and the park opened to the public in 1993.

Over the years the wildlife has found its own way back, ready for us to discover. Come and help explore it even further! Simply meet at the play area on the day or email for more information.

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Explore local support at the Dementia and Carers Roadshow on April 3 - 10am to 2pm

Back by popular demand, Rushcliffe Dementia Action Network will proudly host the return of the Dementia and Carers Roadshow.

On Thursday April 3, this free event will welcome all carers and people living with dementia and their families and friends at Rushcliffe Arena on Rugby Road in West Bridgford from 10am to 2pm. Whether you can stay for the entire event or just drop by for a short while, you're welcome. Free parking and refreshments are provided. On offer will be a wealth of local resources and support aimed at improving the quality of life for both carers and those affected by dementia.

During the event, there will be the opportunity to take part in a Dementia Friends Session (Alzheimer’s Society) and other informative talks.

Rushcliffe Dementia Action Network have recently become a registered charity (1210657). This will enable them to become more sustainable and continue working collaboratively to support people living with dementia in Rushcliffe.

Stall holders include local community groups such as Memory Cafes, singing, exercise, legal and benefits advisors, Rushcliffe Community Voluntary Service, Carer support, Adult Social Care, health and wellbeing information, local Police and many more.

Carers Roadshows are hugely appreciated as they offer information and advice all under one roof and also provide opportunities to speak face to face with services and organisations.

More roadshows are being planned and coordinated throughout the year and across different areas of Nottinghamshire by Nottinghamshire Carers Association through their Carers Space network. Find out more on the Carers Space website

Cotgrave are planning to host their own Dementia and Carers Roadshow in the summer, led by the Patient Participation Group (PPG).

Sally Bates and Gill Handcock from the PPG said: “One of our focuses for the Cotgrave area this year is it to become a Dementia/
Carer Friendly Community. Small steps can bring about big changes.”

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Get involved with your community in Cotgrave

Launched in November 2023, the Cotgrave Integrated Neighbourhood Working (INW) Project aims to bring people together to better support the health and wellbeing of residents and make improvements to, and create opportunities in, the community. This way of working has also been rolled out to other areas as part of the work of South Nottinghamshire Place-Based Partnership (PBP).

The project involves local people, community and voluntary sector groups, and organisations like the NHS and local council working together for a happier, healthier Cotgrave. Since it was launched, young people’s groups and long-term conditions groups have been established in the town, and the current priorities are:

  • Empowering young people
  • Providing accessible information about ‘what’s on in Cotgrave’
  • Health focus on cardio-vascular disease

BBC Radio Nottingham’s Breakfast show visited Cotgrave over a week in January as part of its ‘Ey Up’ campaign to highlight some of the great work and activities happening in the area through this joinedup way of working.

They spent time with the South Notts Place-Based Partnership (PBP) team to explore some of the fantastic work happening across the project, visiting local groups and services who support the community, including the Cotgrave Community Kitchen and Garden, U3A, University of the 3rd Age and featured the long-term conditions groups.

The visit only highlighted what we already know – that successful Integrated Neighbourhood Working happens when local councils, health and social care, community groups and voluntary sector organisations work together with communities to find ways to improve the health and wellbeing of local people. What we need and love is for more people to get on board. This is a great opportunity for people who live and work in Cotgrave to come together to make change happen.

If you want to find out more and get involved with this brilliant work, please email

Sign up to the PBP newsletter by emailing: and find out more on the Health and Care Notts website

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Let's Live Well

Take charge of your health and wellbeing this season with two fantastic initiatives – the Spring Forward Wellbeing Challenge and the Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Community Hub. Both are designed to help you thrive while contributing to a stronger, healthier community!

Spring Forward Wellbeing Challenge

Make your health a priority with the Spring Forward Wellbeing Challenge which encourages you to explore activities that promote physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Here’s how it works:

Attend any nine activities from the wellbeing programme which including nature walks, parkruns, community garden activities and lots

Collect a sticker at each activity.

Complete the challenge to win a prize while improving your overall wellbeing!

With a wide variety of events to choose from, there’s something for everyone. It’s the perfect opportunity to get out, stay active, and connect with your community.

The challenge is flexible, and participants can complete the activities at their own pace ahead of the end of May deadline. Find out
more on the Wellbing Challenge website.

Visit the Community Hub

Located at the West Bridgford Young People’s Centre on Bridgford Road, the Community Hub is open every Monday from 10am to 4pm
welcome to all!

Come along to the Rushcliffe Social Prescribing drop in session between 10am and midday to receive health and wellbeing support and
explore opportunities tailored to you.

There are a variety of activities to take part in such as breathwork, yoga, cooking, willow weaving, and more. Whether you’re looking to
learn something new, relax, or meet others, the hub provides a welcoming space to focus on your wellbeing.

All sessions except the drop in require a booking. To find out more about the sessions and how to book, visit the Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Facebook page @RushcliffeSP or visit the Social Prescribing website.

Don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities to invest in your health and happiness. A healthier you means a healthier Rushcliffe!

Let’s make this spring one of growth and positivity!

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It’s all coming together at the National Rehabilitation Centre

2025 is the year when the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) will start treating patients.

Construction is now well advanced with the new building taking shape and the emphasis shifting from putting the structure in place to fitting it out and getting it ready for patients.

From underfloor heating to bedheads, the details are being applied that will make the NRC an outstanding place for both the patients who will be treated there and the staff who will look after them.

“It’s very exciting and it’s coming together,” says Miriam Duffy, NRC Programme Director. “2025 is going to be a big year for everyone involved in the NRC.”

These photos give a feel for the work taking place. From bedrooms to gyms, everything is transforming and it’s getting easier to see
how the building will work.

The NRC uses modern methods of construction and will be highly energy efficient, with plans for the building to support the NHS ambition to be Carbon Net Zero by 2045.

Since the estate was purchased in 2011 to become ‘The Stanford Hall Rehabilitation Estate’, it’s fair to say the transformation has
been significant. The MoD facility starting treating patients in 2018. The NHS NRC will be treating patients later this year.

Keep up to date via the NRC website – and the NRC X and LinkedIn pages.

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Join Rushcliffe Business Partnership for great networking, support and promotion

Rushcliffe Business Partnership has 25 years of business networking, support and promotion experience – championing the many incredible businesses in Rushcliffe.

As a not-for profit organisation, RBP want to ensure that they can continue to contribute to the local business community – and as
part of this, they’ve just revamped their membership structure.

RBP membership is just £5 a month and offers:

  • discounted tickets to the hugely popular quarterly events
  • business listing on RBP’s brand new website
  • social media posts promoting your business
  • ability to publish your business articles/ blogs on the RBP news page
  • promotion in the fortnightly RBP newsletter upon joining

RBP are keen to ensure that as many local businesses as possible are encouraged to engage with the organisation, so the monthly networking events remain free for all local business owners.

The business partnership website has just undergone a major revamp and is now a fantastic resource for businesses looking to
connect with members, to discover training/CPD opportunities or catch up on the latest news from the Rushcliffe businesses website.

These are exciting times for RBP as the new membership structure promises to give RBP the flexibility and resources to become a more pro-active organisation within the community.

The organisation is also looking for sponsorship of its quarterly events for 2025. They usually attract over 50 local businesses and engage with speakers who offer real insights which can be taken away and implemented, sometimes even the same day.

For more information sponsoring and RBP event, please email

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Get peace of mind for you or your loved ones with a Home Alarms service

Our Home Alarms service can give you peace of mind for you or your loved ones to ensure they can reach help easily in their time of a medical or other emergency at home.

The alarms provide security, reassurance and independence 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for hundreds of people across the
Borough and neighbouring areas all for just the price of a coffee every week, with prices frozen for 2024/25.

A pendant is worn on a neck cord or wrist with a trigger that can be pressed to call us when help is needed.

It’s ideal for individuals of any age including those with health problems, disabilities or mobility issues, survivors of domestic abuse,
or who live alone or feel isolated, providing choices and independence for you and your family.

The service has achieved a remarkable 100 per cent customer satisfaction rating for eight consecutive years.

To find out more about the service, please visit the home alarms page or email



Rushcliffe Reports