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Co-opted independent member of the Governance Scrutiny Group

Remuneration: An allowance of £800 per annum would be applied to the post. An allowance for reasonable travel expenses (where this is within the Borough or limited to the Borough’s boundary) would also be reimbursed.

Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 12 noon

Appointments to the Committee will normally be for a period of up to 2 years, which may be extended for a further period of 1 year provided the person concerned still meets the criteria for membership of the Committee.

Governance Scrutiny Group (GSG) is a key component of Rushcliffe Borough Council’s corporate governance.  GSG provides an independent review of Rushcliffe Borough Council’s governance, risk management and control frameworks and oversees the financial reporting and annual governance processes. It provides an independent and high-level focus on the internal and external audit, assurance, financial reporting arrangements and annual governance processes that underpin good governance and financial standards. Rushcliffe Borough Council has a strong track record of good corporate governance and robust financial management but remains keen to implement continuous improvement in these areas.

To support this ongoing process, we are now seeking to recruit a proficient Independent Person, who has no formal political affiliations to serve on GSG.  You will be expected to attend at least four quarterly meetings per year which usually take place in February, June, September and November.

Currently membership of the Committee is made up of 9 members of the Borough Council and it is politically balanced.

Candidates should have flexibility to contribute beyond the scheduled meetings, for example potential discussions with the Director of Finance and Corporate Services and the GSG Chair (likely to be on Teams) regarding the agendas.

An allowance, currently £800.00 per annum, will be paid to the independent co-opted members of GSG.

Full details of the role and the person specification can be found by downloading the application pack below.

Selection will be via an interview with the Chair of the GSG and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services. The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Thursday 3rd April 2025  and interviews will be held week commencing 14th April 2025.

Independent Governance Scrutiny Group Member Application Pack Inc. JD PS

Application Form Independent Co Opted Member Of The Audit Committee