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About Conservation Areas

The Borough Council is currently consulting on revisions to the following Conservation Areas. Please email any comments to

Scarrington: Consultation event will be held at St John of Beverly on Thursday 6th March from 4:30pm until 7:00pm. The draft Scarrington Conservation Area Appraisal and along with the draft Scarrington Townscape Appraisal are available for comments until the 16th March.

Bradmore: Consultation drop in event will be held at Bradmore Methodist Church on Monday 3rd March from 4:30pm until 7:00pm. The draft Bradmore Conservation Area Appraisal along with the draft Bradmore Townscape Appraisal are available for comments until 16th March.

Car Colston: Consultation drop in event will be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday 5th March from 4:30pm until 6:30pm. The draft Conservation Area appraisal and the draft Car Colston Townscape Appraisal are available for comments until 16th March.

Orston: Consultation drop in event will be held at the Village Hall on Monday 10th March from 4:00pm until 6:00pm. The draft Conservation Area Appraisal and the draft Townscape Appraisal are available for comments until 23rd March.

Flintham: Consultation drop in event will be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd April, from 3:30pm until 7:00pm. The draft Conservation Area Appraisal and the draft Townscape Appraisal are available for comments until 23rd April.


What are Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are places of special interest where it is considered especially important to preserve the character and appearance of the area. Extra planning controls are in place to help the Council manage change in conservation areas so that the special interest can be preserved.

The special interest of a conservation area may come from the quality of its buildings, its landscape setting, the quality of open spaces, boundary materials, the layout of streets and buildings, evidence of past functions and other distinctive characteristics.

Rushcliffe has 30 conservation areas which are listed alphabetically on the left hand side of this page. Each conservation area in Rushcliffe has its own appraisal and management plan.

The appraisals highlight key characteristics that give the conservation area its special interest. Ongoing issues facing the conservation area are also identified. The appraisals are intended to guide anyone considering development within the conservation area so that proposed changes are sensitive to the character and appearance of the conservation area. It is important to consider the relevant conservation area appraisal and management plan as well as the advice in Rushcliffe Residential Design Guide before submitting a planning application or pre-application enquiry relating to development within a conservation area.

Planning Permission in Conservation Areas

If you live in a conservation area, you will need planning permission to make certain changes that you might not need permission for in other areas. These are outlined below. Planning rules are complex and it is highly recommended that you submit a in order for the Council to ascertain whether or not planning permission is required. The Householder Enquiry Form should only be filled in for extensions or alterations to dwelling houses. For non-domestic works in a conservation area, you should send a pre-application enquiry in writing to

Some of the additional controls within conservation areas include, but are not limited to:


  • You must give the Council 6 weeks’ notice of any proposed felling or works to trees with a diameter of over 75mm at 1500mm height, or with a diameter of over 100mm if within a group of trees that needs thinning. This gives the Council 6 weeks to consider whether or not to serve a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). You can use the Notification of work to trees in conservation areas form or you can send us a note indicating your address, and the type of works to be done. Please include a site plan with the location of the tree marked on it, as well as details of the type of tree and type of works planned.

Demolition and part-demolition

  • Demolition of a building or part of a building of a volume over 115m3  This requires a special application for Conservation Area Consent 
  • Demolition of any gate, wall, fence or railing over 1m in height facing a roadway, public footpath, or bridleway
  • Demolition of any gate, wall, fence or railing over 2m height elsewhere within a conservation area.


  • Erection of an extension which extends beyond the side wall of the original dwelling
  • Erection of an extension of more than one storey which extends beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling.

Cladding or render

  • Cladding or rendering the exterior in part or whole with stone, artificial stone, render, pebbledash, timber, plastic or tile.


  • Erection or positioning of outbuildings, swimming pools or fuel storage tanks on land between the side wall and the boundary of the property.

Satellite dishes

  • Installation of a satellite dish on a chimney, wall or roof slope which is visible from a highway or anywhere on a building which exceeds 15m in height.

Chimneys and pipes

  • To position a flue, chimney, soil or vent pipe where it will be visible from the highway.


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