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Sutton Bonington

Information and a map of Sutton Bonington Conservation Area.

Designated in 1968, Sutton Bonington was the first of Rushcliffe’s Conservation Areas. Sutton Bonington was originally two separate settlements, Sutton to the south and Bonington to the north. The presence of two principal parish churches, St. Michael and St. Anne, is an important reminder of this history. The two settlements gradually grew together during the medieval period to create a linear village with the name of 'Sutton Bonynton' by 1340. Prior to this reappraisal of 2024, which was adopted in February 2025  following public consultation, the Sutton Bonington Conservation Area was reviewed in 1976 and again in December 2010.

Key characteristics of the Conservation Area include its linear plan form, its informally arranged historic buildings interspersed with fields, open spaces, gardens, trees, hedgerows, red brick boundary walls, grass verges and views and glimpses of the surrounding countryside. Due to lack of modern development around the historic core, Sutton Bonington appears as an integral part of its rural landscape setting. The spire of the 13th century St. Michael's is a distinctive landmark and may be seen from many viewpoints within and beyond the Conservation Area. The Grade II* listed Hall sits at the heart of the Conservation Area. Its grounds, associated buildings, and long high surrounding brick wall serve as a reminder of its historic importance to the village.

Pleasantly situated on the west slope of a hill in the Soar Valley, the old village has a variety of attractive buildings, including two 17th century timber framed houses and many houses and outbuildings from the 18th and 19th centuries.

For further advice, contact Design and Conservation.

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