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West Leake

Information and a map of West Leake Conservation Area.

Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for West Leake. Updated June 2024.

This small 9 hectare Conservation Area includes all of the built-up area of the village. It contains 5 Listed Buildings or structures, and was designated in 1990.

The village sits on the winding country road from East Leake to Sutton Bonington and has a very simple plan of one main street. It enjoys a unity of form and has a rural feel to it, which is maintained through the presence of working farms and the lack of modern development.

The small towerless Grade II* (star two) Church of St Helena is 12th, 14th and 15th century and retains its Norman nave, although much restored. To the front of the church is a Grade II Listed lychgate dated c1919. This timber structure with its slate roof serves as a memorial to World War One.

The Old Rectory, dated 1723 is one of the oldest houses in West Leake, where on the west wall is said to be the emblem of the Stanhope family.

The boundary of the Conservation Area was initially reviewed and formally extended on 7 September 2010. Since then, another review of the boundary and the document began in March 2023 and was formally adopted in June 2024.

For further advice, contact Design and Conservation.

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